GAUDI’S CAT pavilion is inspired by the geometry of Antonio Gaudi – famous Catenary arches. The structure of the pavilion consists of a central space under the canopy and an open part above. Catenary arches are located in three parts of the pavilion, serving as entrances to it, and elements of Catenary arches are also … Read more


State of the Art Raw Timber and AEC Industry Wood waste is often disregarded in the wood industry and the construction industry. Majority of wood used in construction is sawn and processed wood that not only generates waste on its production but it is also associated with high CO2 emissions, because of the embodied energy … Read more

Robotic Manifesto: Embracing Advanced manufacturing in complex architectural geometries

Introduction: In the realm of architecture, we stand at a pivotal moment where traditional construction methods struggle to meet the demands for intricate architectural forms while sustainability concerns continue to mount. As students of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction program, guided by the expertise of Mariana Popescu, we advocate for a paradigm shift … Read more


INTRODUCTION As we all know that Global warming, caused by the greenhouse effect, is leading to an increase in Earth’s average temperature and the rise in sea levels. Due to the increase in temperature, we are succumbed to high indoor discomfort. Which can be correct by different air conditioning systems. This leads to the increase … Read more


A Family-Oriented Home While investigating demographics in Austin, we found that more than one quarter of the families there are single-parent households. Of these, the vast majority are single mothers. With these statistics in mind we arrived at three design considerations: the needs of a single parent household, Austin’s climate, and the unique constraints and … Read more


FOR ON-SITE GUIDANCE AND PRECISION CONSTRUCTION ABSTRACT : Abstract Against the backdrop of declining productivity levels within the construction industry since the 1990s, as highlighted by McKinsey, the digital-physical convergence signifies a paradigm shift in construction practices. The discussion delves into the current state and recent advancements in BIM and AR technologies, noting the recent … Read more

Do Architects Dream of Electric Sheep?

The future of architecture is being shaped by a romantic embrace of technology, exemplified by the concept of the “electric sheep.”  Architects are integrating BIM, computational design, robotics and other advanced tools into their workflows, resulting in a transformative shift in design possibilities. This approach not only improves efficiency, but also fosters greater creativity and inclusivity … Read more

Follow Me

Aim To explore innovative parametric tiling designs through the utilization of robotic tiling setups. The project aim is to utilize the functions of  COMPAS framework and its extensions for robotic planning. Also, to incorporate computer vision and scanning information into the tiling process to enhance precision and efficiency. Design Logic Inspired by the idea of … Read more


Non planar 3D printing cork based biomaterial CORK.CATENATION employs the novel methodology of non-planar 3d printing using Cork as the bio-material. The final outcome is a connection of interconnected lattice structures- broken down into modules that can be assembled to form a building skin that can morph according to the surface topology and solar radiation results.

Robotic Gaudi

AIM DESIGN The three distinct design methodologies we explored employed grayscale image mapping, where the gray areas functioned as attractors and filters for colored circles. Our second experiment focused on employing curves as generators for the spatial arrangement and packing of a variety of larger circles. The third methodology extended our exploration to the incorporation … Read more

Kangaroo follows the COMPAS

This project documents a 1-week workshop that introduced students to the COMPAS framework. Our goal was to design a tile mosaic that would be part of a collaborative pick-and-place workflow with the UR5, incorporating COMPAS Fab, Kangaroo (Grasshopper), and ROS. What is COMPAS? Utilizing the COMPAS framework developed by Gramazio Kohler Research and the larger … Read more


Context I-P_Maper(Intersection Point Mapper) is a project based on ROS and scanning. It mainly focuses on controlling the robot tool path to scan and get the data we want. Given the time constraints, we maximized our efforts and performed a series of tests in order to develop a program that could accurately identify up to … Read more