Building Analisis Tool : Designing for the Visually Impaired – Enhancing Accessibility in Healthcare Architecture

Abstract In response to the increasing global population of visually impaired individuals, projected to reach 18.5% by 2050, our project focuses on enhancing the accessibility of architectural spaces, particularly in primary healthcare centers. We have developed the Building Analysis Tool (BAT), an solution designed to assist architects in creating environments that cater to the needs … Read more

TERRANOVA: Organic Waste to Ecological Wealth

Located in the quiet community of Sant Adria De Besos lies the Besos Power Station. This waste to energy power plant is responsible for providing power to over 10 municipalities of Spain and takes care of nearly half of the waste that comes into Barcelona. While this factory proves to be highly effective, several negative … Read more

Skate {able} city

Redefiniendo equitativa e inclusivamente los espacios públicos a través de la cultura del skateboarding Introducción Los espacios públicos de nuestras ciudades están cada vez más diseñados de manera especializada, segmentando y creando bordes entre las actividades.  Esta investigación pretende hacer visible el potencial que tiene el skateboarding como actividad disruptiva y de performance en el espacio público para redefinir, reinterpretar … Read more


PUERTO METABÓLICOHacia un frente costero conectado, multipropósito y resiliente AbstractLa ciudad de Buenos Aires ha crecido ganandole tierra al Río de la Plata, a través de rellenos, infraestructuras portuarias, de transporte e industriales que han desplazado ecosistemas clave, generado barreras físicas y desconectado emocional y culturalmente a la ciudad de su geografía ribereña. Este proceso … Read more

Conector Ecológico: Alivianando las tensiones de la Ciudad


Quito, capital de Ecuador, situada en la Hoya del Guayllabamba y rodeada por imponentes volcanes en los Andes, enfrenta desafíos urbanos significativos debido a su crecimiento lineal y su morfología particular. Este proyecto explora cómo Quito puede transitar hacia un modelo urbano más equilibrado y sostenible, aliviando las tensiones de la hipercentralidad para proyectar el … Read more

Green Liminals: Feasibility Study for AI-Driven Budget Optimization for Urban Sustainable Solutions

Abstract The project explores innovative ways to address Barcelona’s sustainability challenges, such as carbon emissions, air pollution, and energy inefficiency. By leveraging AI, IoT sensors, and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), the project aims to optimize municipal budgets for interventions that transform underutilized urban spaces into productive assets. The study highlights solutions like urban farming, greenery, and … Read more

NeoCapsules: modular living design

NeoCapsules Residence: A Vision for Modern Family Living NeoCapsules, an innovative residential complex inspired by the Nakagin Tower concept, offers a dynamic and adaptable living environment that seamlessly integrates sustainability with an urban lifestyle. This innovative approach fosters growth, flexibility, and community interaction, making it more than just a building, it’s a vibrant ecosystem for … Read more


NARRATIVE Back to Zero is a regenerative concept that targets oil refineries and other aging infrastructures that pollute our world. The narrative is inspired from the “skin in the game” concept, and calculates lifetime co2 emissions for high emitting “hosts”, which then becomes a target for that same “host” to sequester through the carbon sequestration … Read more

Ecologías adaptativas

Proceso para la reconversión del aeropuerto Enrique Olaya Herrera en Medellín Abstract La ciudad de Medellín ha llegado a su límite de expansión.  La presencia del aeropuerto local Enrique Olaya Herrera y su cono de aproximación en el sector sur occidental de este estrecho valle no permite que la ciudad se densifique en las zonas … Read more

Borde entretejido

Antecedente Primer Asentamiento (Destrucción del manglar).Desde su fundación el 4 de octubre de 1540, la ciudad costera de San Francisco de Campeche ha interactuado hegemónicamente con su litoral comprendido por manglar, lomas, tulares y la selva media caducifolia. Este modus operandi se ha perpetuado hasta los días actuales en decisiones del crecimiento y consolidación de … Read more


Multidimensionality of Time for Inclusive Urban Lives This project explores urban inclusivity through the multidimensional lens of time, using Barcelona as a case study. The analysis considers three temporal dimensions: time of day, time of year, and time of life, recognizing how these factors shape access to essential urban amenities. Proximity serves as the first … Read more


FLOOD RESILIENCE TOOLBOX FOR ADAPTIVE URBAN DESIGN IN COASTAL CITIES Flooding is the most frequent natural disaster worldwide. By the report from The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), floods cause more than 38 billion euro in damages worldwide per year. Due to climate change, floods are becoming more extreme and frequent. Coastal areas … Read more