????? • Rent • Proximities

The city of Mumbai, known as the financial and entertainment capital of India, has experienced a significant surge in housing prices and rents in recent years. The demand for residential properties in Mumbai has been steadily increasing due to factors such as population growth, urbanization, and the city’s thriving job market. In the midst of … Read more

Paradise Lost-The Ground Tour of Sin-topia

A theory study on exploring new forms for social norms of deregulations in 21st century CRITICAL THINKING:We have conceived a lot of ideal utopian cities from ancient times to the present, but the imagination of modern utopia has led to various real social problems in society and urban, like the irrepressible criminal underclass, the gap … Read more

Senseable Walks for Melbourne

OPTIMIZING THE EXISTING WALKABILITY INDEX Urban design plays a pivotal role in shaping the livability of a city, and walkability is a crucial aspect that directly impacts its residents’ quality of life. The City of Melbourne has developed a Walkability Index. This project aims at optimizing the existing framework by integrating key parameters related to … Read more

ASU 500 | Centro de Interpretación e Innovación del CHA

El CeIIN se configura como el epicentro físico y de creación, innovación e interpretación del Centro Histórico de la ciudad de Asunción, apuntando a reinformar a este enclave urbano para generar nuevas dinámicas y así traccionar vida y actividades relacionadas a lo cívico en todos sus aspectos. Se delimita así un Distrito de Innovación Cívica, … Read more

Remote sensing of the urban sprawl’s pace of Melbourne

urban growth Melbourne

Starting in 2015 urban development spread beyond the administratively defined Melbourne metropolitan area, into Greater Geelong and the Shire of Mitchell. The Melbourne Metropolitan Region or Greater Melbourne comprises 31 Local Authority Governments (LGA, municipalities and shires) aggregated in 6 metropolitan partnerships. Two of them, Inner and Inner South-East allocate the metropolitan core. This project … Read more


A city inside a building; The project articulates an extra-extra large architectural typology that extends beyond the conventional scale of a singular building and aims at becoming a self-enclosed urban form. Mobilizing Buckminster Fuller’s ‘tensegrity’ structural logic, this megastructure accommodates a complexassemblage of typologies, functions, and forms within its differentiated envelope-a geometrically and materially optimized … Read more


“Waste does not exist—products are designed and optimized for a cycle of disassembly and reuse.“                                                                                                                                                                                  _Ellen MacArthur Foundation The construction industry is the number one consumer of global raw materials while being one of the biggest producers of waste in the European Union.In this Research, we aim to explore the possibilities of secondary waste wood … Read more

New Delhi Resource Repository

The New Delhi Material Repository and Urban Mining project focuses on the city’s sustainable development by implementing the principles of urban mining and establishing a material repository. As the capital city of India, New Delhi holds significant historical and governmental importance, with its urban fabric comprising a combination of planned and unplanned elements. However, with … Read more

Localize the Loop, Barcelona

Recycling construction materials is of paramount importance in a city like Barcelona due to its numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits. Barcelona, like many urban centers, faces challenges related to rapid urbanization, resource scarcity, and environmental sustainability. By implementing a robust construction material recycling concept, the city can significantly reduce its construction waste, lower its … Read more

The Boulevard Method

The Boulevard Method utilizes big data analytics and multi-objective optimization processes to map the existing materials building stock and propose adata-driven urban strategy for the future densification of the city of Helsinki. By making the hypothesis that certain roadways will become obsolete in the future due to the transformation of urban mobility, this study analyzed … Read more

???? 365

Phenomena analyzed: Lightning From the mythological Prometheus until the middle of the 18th century, the phenomenon of lightning remained an unsolved riddle. In 1749 Benjamin Franklin detailed in his diary the resemblance between an electric spark and lightning: both emit light of the same color, and both have a winding trajectory and rapid motion. Both … Read more


Perus, São Paulo La propuesta estudia la posibilidad de una  planificación territorial centrada en el desarrollo urbano integrado con el entorno natural , siendo las preexistencias  (infraestructuras verde-azul y obsolescencias tangibles e intangibles)  el medio articulador principal y estratégico de las propuestas venideras. La trayectoria Los acontecimientos en la cronología de Perus consolidan una historia de formación extractiva y depredadora, atribuyendo también … Read more

Territorios reactivos

Territorios reactivos refiere a la activación del territorio como respuesta a la provocación de la rehabilitación de parte de la infraestructura ferroviaria histórica de Uruguay. Esta responde a la demanda de una empresa multinacional del sector forestal para el traslado de su producción de celulosa desde Paso de los Toros al puerto de Montevideo.  Esta … Read more

Mitigating embedded CO2 in the urban tissue of Singapore

Main challenge: densify city,  connect nature, and mitigate embedded CO2 Singapore is one of the densest countries in the World. Nature-conscious city densification has to consider reimbursement of natural patches within built environment, applying an connecting nature approach similar to a multi-tiered tropical forest. Mitigation of embodied carbon stays in  a row with nature connectivity. … Read more


La presente investigación se lleva a cabo en Chiclayo, una ciudad costera situada al norte del Perú. El proyecto tiene como propósito abordar tres problemas sistémicos de carácter estructural: las inundaciones provocadas por las precipitaciones, el déficit de áreas verdes y la gestión inadecuada de los residuos sólidos. El objetivo principal consiste en desarrollar soluciones … Read more

Waves Genetic Optimization

The architectural project aims to create a captivating and engaging experience for visitors, allowing them to explore thefascinating generation and interaction of waves. Inspired by the dynamic energy and graceful movement of water, the designfocuses on crafting a space that immerses visitors in the midst of a wave, offering them a truly unforgettable encounter. The … Read more

Territorios Fractales

Estudios del agua como definidor en un modelo de ciudad simbiótico. El Lago de Tacarigua, un cuerpo de agua de carácter endorreico ubicado en la región de la Cordillera de la Costa en Venezuela. Alrededor del lago se han asentado varias ciudades que forman una conurbación sistemática con una de las mayores influencias socio-económicas del … Read more


Project agenda Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design Achieve maximum use of space (solid volumes) at the same time providing open and efficiently insolated inner spaces inside the dense structure volume. Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design Algorithm set up Optimisation Algorithm Process of fitness evaluation The fitness of each design solution is evaluated by … Read more



SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR CIRCULAR CO-PRODUCTION OF ECOLOGICAL SERVICES. GREENWAVE was developed by Ben Bello, Can Xu, Erum Khaled, Manuel Beca, Lucia Mack, Parshav Sheth, Zerihun Tassano, with the support of trainers from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, the University of Genoa and ALDA, during the Green … Read more


This research project aims to investigate the lifecycle of commonly used construction materials in Barcelona, analyse the materials being demolished in the city, and explore the waste management practices employed by Barcelona for construction and demolition waste. The primary objective is to provide valuable insights into the environmental impact and sustainability of construction materials, identify … Read more


Autonomous emergency response and safety evaluation system In a catastrophic event geographical region, robots are deployed to collect and process data, allowing the rescue team to analyze the situation from a safe distance and provide an effective rescue operation. Dangerous zones can be accessed by robots without any harm and no human life needs to … Read more


Picture this: Its sunday morning and you are taking a shower after a long saturday night. You have the water running, still trying to wake up from the night before then Crash! You are now having a mini panic attack, scrambling to get the soap out of your eyes and turn off the water all … Read more


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