Rental Price Predictor – Amsterdam

Introduction Accurate prediction of rental prices poses a significant challenge in dynamic real estate markets such as Amsterdam. Our research project explores the use of graph-based machine learning to improve the accuracy of such predictions. This methodology could be of interest to various actors in the real estate sector, including brokers, investors, and urban planners. … Read more


The proposed vision for Tempelhof is articulated as a ‘city within a city’ arranged along the two airstrips of the former airport, extending perpendicularly to emphasise a dual directionality. Buildings are conceived as flexible micro-communities built on organic/biodegradable materials, with the possibility of growing or ‘de-growing’ through time.The design strategy aims to trigger a need … Read more

Invisible Barriers, Visible Caregivers

Introduction Medellin, known as the ‘City of Eternal Spring,’ is a Colombian city located between mountains around the Aburra River Valley. According to the National Census, it is inhabited predominantly by women, as 53.3% of the population is composed of women, and a large portion of them perform in areas such as education, healthcare and … Read more


Harmonising Coastal Futures, Restoring Balance in China’s Maritime , A Speculation of Communal Synergy in the context of Houtouwan THE PROBLEM // RESOURCE EXPLOITATION | OVER FISHING China’s over fishing crisis looms large, statistics revealing a stark reality of declining marine resources. With the majority of the worlds fishing resources coming from China, the country has … Read more

Urbanismo para la Paz

CAP01: INTRODUCCIÓN, CULTURA DE PAZ. Costa Rica es el primer país en abolir sus ejércitos y adoptar un Pacto para la Paz, la cual se basó principalmente en la nacionalización de la banca y algunos medios de producción, con los que se habilitó de músculo a un nuevo estado gestor Utilitarista en virtud de abolir … Read more

Activación RURbana

Imaginarios en  búsqueda de la gobernanza multinivel para el municipio de Masaya mediante la socio- productividad y la bioeconomía. El presente blog constituye la continuidad de una serie de blogs que intentan exponer alternativas para la reactivación de la interrelación rural- urbana del municipio de Masaya en Nicaragua, específicamente: En consecuencia, en la presente entrega, … Read more

Rising Waters

The year is 2100. Latin America is sinking. Due to global warming the polar icecaps have almost melted completely. In addition the increased temperature has caused the global water mass to expand by almost 1%. As a consequence sea levels are rising at unprecedented levels globally. The coastline in South America is hard-hit by these … Read more

VIDA Y MUERTE DE CIUDADES MINERAS.Estrategias territoriales para una nueva imagen del Cerro de Pasco, Perú – 2045

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro incierto de la ciudad y/o contexto socio urbano en el cual se ha emplazado o que ha generado. Por lo general, las operaciones mineras están intrínsicamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, como también, a la violación de los … Read more

Subterranean Eden: Martian Harvest Halls

“An innovative way for agriculture on Mars, pushing boundaries of space exploration ensuring future interplanetary habitation.” Mars—the Red Planet—is getting closer. According to the experts, human settlements on Mars might be visible in ten years, allowing for more space exploration. Keeping that in mind, this semester’s goal is to create a 300-person Mars colony. The … Read more


This blog describes and showcases the second-term research and prototyping for Bionook. Research Topic: Investigating the Synergistic Potential Between Additive Manufacturing Methods and Engineered Timber in Reshaping Urban Design Paradigms. This research delves into precisely integrating sawdust and orange peels as industrial by-product additives for Soil Additive Manufacturing and locally sourced Engineered Timber, synergizing them … Read more

Alfafa Colony: BIM & Smart Construction

Project Concept Establishing a Martian food colony around a Mohole, designed based on growth morphology of alfalfa for efficient organization and development using L-systems. These terminologies are further explained below. Moholes Moholes on Mars are massive cylindrical excavations in the regolith, reaching up to 1 km in diameter and 7 km in depth. With temperatures … Read more

Empowering Vulnerable People with Adaptive Infrastructure

Every individual, regardless of age or economic status, can play a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future. In Viladecans, a gamified co-design process is recommended to turn this vision into reality. Challenges of an aging population, energy poor buildings, and coastal climate change vulnerability may be aligned with public program priorities to adapt Viladecans’ … Read more


Tackling the Internet of People through Fortifying & Diversifying the economy in Viladecans, Spain Introduction Viladecans is a dynamic and thriving municipality with a rich history, diverse economy, and vibrant community life. Its strategic location, economic opportunities, and quality of life make it an attractive place to live, work, and visit in the Barcelona metropolitan … Read more

“Parque de la Autoconstrucción para la Paz en ciudad de San José de Costa Rica. “

“Architecture is Not the Knowledge of Form but a Form of Knowledge.” -TSCHUMI Antes de iniciar en el difícil talento de puntualizar, me veo obligado a preceder una serie de importantes aspectos. Explico lo que explicaré. El presente texto, ilustra una serie de pequeñas intervenciones para el manejo de residuos sólidos urbanos y exploración de … Read more

Red de Sistemas de Circuitos Terapéuticos para la Movilidad Autónoma

Como una de las estrategias de Intervención de los Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos. “Red de circuitos de Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos, para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos en la comuna de La Florida, Chile” ¿Qué pueden aportar para la recuperación de los espacios públicos, las personas que se les denomina con Movilidad Reducida o con … Read more

Barrio Modelo

Repensando el modelo de Vivienda de Interés Social Mexicano con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad urbana El desarrollo urbano en México de los últimos 50 años ha seguido un modelo territorial extensivo, caracterizado por una baja densidad habitacional y una configuración urbana discontinua. Este patrón ha extendido las urbanizaciones considerablemente, incrementando el consumo de suelo … Read more

Agent Simulation_Measuring Intervention Impact

Visualizing an urban simulation of free-agents affected by a specific intervention The Objective The objective of the project was to simulate the movement of people within a specific neighborhood in the city of Viladecans, Spain, and visualize the difference the movement patterns of the free agents would take prior to the intervention vs post intervention. … Read more

Urban Impact Analyzer

In the dynamic landscape of urbanization, migration towards cities is an undeniable trend. With this migration comes a myriad of challenges, notably the exponential rise in land costs and the often haphazard nature of urban development. As cities expand, there’s a pressing need for thoughtful and strategic construction that not only addresses the demands of … Read more

Theories of the Urban_II

Questioning the rhetoric. The brief In the epoch of the Anthropocene, characterized by humanity’s profound impact on the Earth’s geology and ecosystems, the discourse surrounding resilience to climate change has become increasingly prominent. As societies grapple with the consequences of human-induced environmental transformations, there is a growing recognition of the need to question and analyze … Read more


Translating Point Clouds into BIM Geometry For the first settlers on Mars, we have envisioned a colony of Aqua-Miners with the primary task of harvesting water as a resource from the ice beneath Mars’ surface, storing it and recycling it for sustainable use. Our approach to this problem has been exceptionally data-driven. Our idea is … Read more

Hyperenergetic Viladecans

By 2100, the global temperature is forecasted to increase from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius due the effects of Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Human Activities. The City of Viladecans has developed a Vision by 2030 which expects the city to become EMISSIONS NEUTRAL, and EMISSIONS NEGATIVE by 2050. For approaching this goal, HYPENERGETIC VILADECANS establishes … Read more