
Integrating Radiation Shielding for a Safe and Sustainable Urban Environment Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov   

Mycelium in Construction for Catalonia

Throughout this blog we will highlight each section and we hope to inspire others like the way we have been inspired. We will present a progressive material, then show how we get this material integrated into the construction world. Proposition “ We propose that the usage of Mycelium should be legalised in the Code for … Read more

Art on air

Introduction Air quality is a problem in many cities around the world, yet it remains largely invisible to the naked eye. This reality struck us deeply when the four of us, having lived in Barcelona, Lagos, Bangkok, and Medellin – our four cities of origin – came together. Amidst our diverse backgrounds and experiences, we … Read more

‘Gotta Catch ’em All’

Co-design & Experience Platform for Public Art as part of Data, Art and the City (5-day workshop led by Leyla Saadi) Adapted from Pokemon-Go, we propose the development of a place-based app that pops the City of Toronto’s public art scene, drives interest and support for local public art and artists, and co-designs future public … Read more

Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos

Abstract. ¿Qué oportunidades para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos se están perdiendo al dejar de lado a las personas con Discapacidad, Adultos Mayores, personas del cuidado, infancia, adolescentes y sus familias cuando se trata de diseño urbano? ¿Qué estrategias se pueden precisar para anclar a la escala de las personas de a pie, del mundo … Read more

Farming on Barcelona’s rooftops | CDS Physical Models

Ensuring food security is a major challenge for cities worldwide. The vision of Bio-cities includes that of food self-sufficiency, tackling the environmental impact of current agriculture systems which contribute to environmental concern through food miles, land and habitat loss, soil erosion,and reliance on fossil-fuel derived fertilisers. The Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) has 636km3 of … Read more

Introducing need for Bionook

Abstract In response to urgent carbon mitigation challenges and biodiversity loss, a paradigm shift toward manufacturing symbiosis and circular bio-economy is crucial for ecologically sensitive design in urban ecosystems. This study explores the transformative potential of a 3D-printed urban Bionook, incorporating layers of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) with a natural-locally sourced soil admixture, to enhance strength, … Read more

TERRITORIOS SOCIO- PRODUCTIVOS. La Bioeconomía como herramienta de cohesión social y gobernanza multinivel.

“La mundialización de los intercambios constituye el dato esencial de la presente recomposición de la vida económica. Hoy en día hay que pensar en términos planetarios: la producción, el consumo, los intercambios y la relación con el entorno que les corresponde”. [Bertrand Hervieu] La interrelación e interdependencia entre el campo y la ciudad es cada … Read more

Ideas para la Paz

o Corredor Biológico de San José. PROYECTO Se desea expandir el programa del Museo de los Niños a su entorno más inmediato, sus predios y margen del Río Torres, con vistas en la regeneración del borde boscoso existente. A partir de proyectos de reciclaje y agricultura en un modelo de aula abierta vinculado no solo … Read more

“Fibernetics: Bridging Kinetic Architecture with Cybernetics for Adaptive Spatial Configurations”

Abstract: Architectural space has been non responsive to the dynamic and changing nature of social interaction. Building on the history of responsive architecture, interactive design principles and technological developments in sensing, processing and actuation, the project proposes a new model that merges kinetic architecture and cybernetics. Creating adaptive configurations through automated kinetic architectural skeletons, employing … Read more


DESIGN BEHAVIOUR Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov

Navigating Inequality

Introduction Wealth disparity leads to social and economic challenges resulting in social exclusion. 21.6% of population in the EU are at risk of social exclusion. A study confirmed that 61.7% of socially excluded people tend to be segregated. Understanding the origin of the word Segregation – initially used to set sheep apart from the flock, … Read more

Superblock BCN

A Multidimensional Study of the Superilla My research starts from observing human behaviour. Often when we face a change in our lives, especially when it wasn’t planned, we feel resistance and it takes time before we accept and embrace it.  As you probably know Barcelona in the last few years lived some changes in its … Read more

PRODUCTIFICACIÓN: Un modelo urbano futurista en Zumpango. De la gentrificación a la productificación como estrategia de regeneración urbana.

En un contexto global caracterizado por el agotamiento de recursos naturales, el cambio climático y la creciente urbanización, se hace evidente la necesidad de buscar alternativas que promuevan la autosuficiencia y la resiliencia en las ciudades. Con este contexto, en el presente trabajo de investigación, se aborda una propuesta innovadora para repensar la forma en … Read more

Ciudad Vieja Comestible. Hacia un centro histórico regenerativo.

El casco histórico Ciudad Vieja actualmente cuenta con una gran cantidad de fincas abandonadas y baldíos, es necesario buscar nuevos caminos potenciales para su desarrollo. Ciudad Vieja Comestible busca la reactivación del centro histórico de Montevideo a partir de la alimentación. La alimentación como eje transversal al proyecto, como producción, como materia, como base económica, como … Read more


Alejandro Aravena, renowned for his role in facilitating the recovery of a city struck by an earthquake and a tsunami, asserts that Participatory design transcends mere inclusivity and offers enhanced efficiency. Conventional methods may not yield the desired effectiveness, necessitating a reevaluation of the tools employed for participation.Barcelona, for instance, has already experimented with a digital … Read more


INTRODUCTION Urbanization poses escalating threats to ecological systems, necessitating the creation of urban ecological commons. This exercise focuses on Mumbai’s metro network, comprising 357 kilometres, 16 lines, and 38 interchanges, as a context for enhancing neighbourhood biodiversity through strategic environment plugins. By leveraging NDVI mapping from Google Earth Engine, areas with high ecological threats and … Read more