This project aims to study the current situation in the city of El Ejido, and create a proposal of a design that will respond to the social issues of the city. The majority of the land of this city is consisted of farming lands and greenhouses which are occupied by immigrants that are working there … Read more

Turbulence and Regeneration

The chosen site is the intersection of the Besòs River in Barcelona with the Mediterranean Sea. This location serves as a convergence point for different natural ecologies, as well as being impacted by human activities, such as the electrical industry with outlets into the river. Therefore, the site provides a perfect theater to visualize, not … Read more

Forms of Inadequacy in Dakar

Abstract Dakar is Senegal’s capital city and rapidly urbanizing economic center. Today, Dakar’s urban area is home to 3.54M people, half of Senegal’s population, and generates 55% of the Country’s GDP. This growth is artificially constrained by an urban growth boundary, where new homes are informally built, and due to the city’s topography, a peninsula … Read more

Future Cities: Lahore – A Vision for 2050

Where is Lahore? Lahore, the capital city of the Punjab province in Pakistan, is a historic urban center known for its rich culture, vibrant life, and significant economic contributions. Situated near the eastern border with India, Lahore stands as a testament to centuries of evolution, from a small walled city to a sprawling metropolis. As … Read more

Dhaka City’s Urban Nexus

Dhaka, the bustling capital of Bangladesh is at a critical juncture in its urban development. With a population exceeding 10.4 million, the city faces significant challenges in housing, transportation, and environmental sustainability. This project is a part of a comparative analysis done by the students, understanding these challenges under the framework of SDG 11 – … Read more

Lessons learned in Neuquén

The workshop challenged us to engage with the topic of planetary urbanization through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda. We chose to work on the city of Neuquen as it represents an example of a city that is undergoing a fast transition in the context of climate change. Neuquen province has a rich … Read more

VIDA Y MUERTE DE CIUDADES MINERAS.Estrategias territoriales para una nueva imagen del Cerro de Pasco, Perú – 2045

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro incierto de la ciudad y/o contexto socio urbano en el cual se ha emplazado o que ha generado. Por lo general, las operaciones mineras están intrínsicamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, como también, a la violación de los … Read more

MEJORAMIENTO DE BARRIOS PRECARIOS 2.0: De la legalización y las infraestructuras al desarrollo económico y social

Hablar de barrios y asentamientos precarios es hablar de segregación. Aunque suele considerarse como un factor que afecta exclusivamente el campo urbanístico y espacial, es necesario considerar la segregación como una condición multidimensional para entender la complejidad de los fenómenos de marginalidad que afectan estos entornos y las soluciones para revertirla en campos como: El … Read more


This blog describes and showcases the second-term research and prototyping for Bionook. Research Topic: Investigating the Synergistic Potential Between Additive Manufacturing Methods and Engineered Timber in Reshaping Urban Design Paradigms. This research delves into precisely integrating sawdust and orange peels as industrial by-product additives for Soil Additive Manufacturing and locally sourced Engineered Timber, synergizing them … Read more


2nd research, Comparison masterplan Tokyo by Kenzo Tange vs the existing Tokyo Why Tange Kenzo Tange, as you know, is one of the most famous architects in the world. He has left behind many architectural works in Japan and around the world, He is also an urbanist. In planning the master plan for Tokyo, he … Read more

La Obertura – Water Management

The primary objective of the water management strategy employed in this project is to reduce the water usage of both the building occupants (including residents and industrial users) to a minimum level. One straightforward method for reducing water consumption involves implementing the following measures. By setting a baseline for the overall water consumption in residential … Read more

Proximity Food: Metabolic Building Systems – Energy

In the face of the climate crisis, the role of energy systems in building design has come under increasingly scrutiny. Buildings are not only significant energy consumers but also major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. As we grapple with rising global temperatures and rising urbanization, the focus on creating energy efficient buildings which rely on clean, … Read more

Computing Movements of an Urban Square

The research project imagined a tile of a underused urban plaza as a square-based petri dish to test the movement of points within the tiled surface. By defining a number of points within the geometry of the area, the density of tiles would decrease, relative to the closest point. The membrane between the ground plane … Read more

Sistema Público de Cuidados

Sistema público de cuidados

CRISIS MUNDIAL DE LOS CUIDADOS Derivado del contexto de la emergencia sanitaria mundial por el COVID-19, diversas organizaciones mundiales alertaron una emergencia global de los cuidados, en especial la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres advirtió sobre el impacto diferenciado que la crisis socioeconómica tendría en las mujeres y expuso un fuerte impacto en la sobrecarga de … Read more