Through this workshop, we developed “Clean up the Noisy City,” an educational and interactive game designed to raise children’s awareness of urban soundscapes. In this engaging experience, players take on the role of city problem-solvers, working together to identify, assess, and mitigate disruptive noises using creative solutions. The game is played through a structured yet … Read more

Sant Antoni Passport

Urban spaces are not just places to live and work—they are playgrounds for social interaction, historical storytelling, and cultural engagement. As part of the IAAC’s Serious Games Seminar, our team explored Sant Antoni, Barcelona, to design playful interventions that connect the community to its past, present, and future. Our approach combined game design with urban … Read more


This term, we have been focusing on understanding and designing public spaces in the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona. Sants has a unique identity shaped by its long-standing tradition of neighborhood cooperation and pride in its working-class roots, but has faced civic disengagement in recent years. In the studio, our objective has been to leverage public … Read more

Towards Energy Justice in Informal settlements

A Methodological Approach to Urban Growth and Hybrid Energy Systems in the Global South Why Global South ? Urbanization in the Global South is a defining trend of the 21st century, with over 90% of urban growth expected to occur in low- and middle-income countries by 2050. This rapid expansion has led to a surge … Read more

Designing, communicating, and programming a user interface: SeisNAV

The first three exercises focused on designing and coding a landing page, visualizing geospatial data on Mapbox, and creating an interactive 3D experience with Three.js, each progressively building skills in design, data integration, and interactivity to address real-world challenges. ⠀ SeisNAV – User interfaces This project involved designing user interfaces for SeisNAV with a focus … Read more


Abstract: Natural disasters, especially earthquakes, often leave roads blocked, buildings collapsed, and maps outdated, making navigation and response efforts highly challenging, That’s where we operate. Our project SeisNAV is an AI-powered platform that combines satellite imagery and computer vision to detect collapsed structures and road blockages, providing real-time mapping and navigation tools for disaster response … Read more

DEMOCRATIZING CREDIT: A New Paradigm in Lending


The project envisions the use of novel data collection strategies for the purpose of increasing access to formal credit for MSMEs in the F&B Space Across the globe, cities face a pivotal challenge: unlocking the potential of their micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to drive both urban transformation and national economic growth. These enterprises, often comprising over 90% of businesses in developing … Read more


Escenarios Futuros de adaptación al cambio climático en las comunidades del distrito Enzkreis, Caso de la comunidad de Neuhausen Introducción Esta investigación aborda los desafíos y oportunidades asociados con la adaptación al cambio climático en las comunidades del distrito del Enzkreis en la región de Baden- Württemberg en Alemania. La reciente crisis energética y la … Read more

Estados Híbridos

Entre Ciudad, Infraestructuras y Paisajes Introducción La costa Este de Uruguay se presenta como un territorio de oportunidad, donde la fragilidad ambiental, la presión del turismo y el crecimiento urbano exigen una visión de urbanismo resiliente. El proyecto propone un modelo que apuesta por la hibridación entre lo natural y lo artificial. En este contexto, … Read more


CRONOLOGÍA HIPÓTESIS El caso de estudio presenta un escenario complejo y dinámico, caracterizado por un crecimiento acelerado y no planificado impulsado por el auge de la industria hidrocarburífera. Esta industria ha generado un incremento de  la cantidad de población residente como la pendular, y también ha generado una demanda sin precedentes de servicios e infraestructuras … Read more


Recalificación de Áreas Degradadas por la Industria Salinera – Cabo Frio – Brasil Introducción Desde los albores de la humanidad, la sal siempre ha jugado un papel fundamental en la sociedad. Su importancia era tan grande que en la antigüedad, la sal se utilizaba como moneda, conservante, condimento y alimento. Antes de la colonización portuguesa, … Read more

Las voces de la ciudad

Este proyecto de investigación nace del interés de comprender la ciudad desde el punto de vista de la experiencia sensible del cuerpo, de lo individual y lo colectivo, de las dinámicas vinculares y las prácticas cotidianas. Desde la visión de que las prácticas culturales imprimen su huella en la trama urbana, y nos otorgan una … Read more

TERRANOVA: Organic Waste to Ecological Wealth

Located in the quiet community of Sant Adria De Besos lies the Besos Power Station. This waste to energy power plant is responsible for providing power to over 10 municipalities of Spain and takes care of nearly half of the waste that comes into Barcelona. While this factory proves to be highly effective, several negative … Read more