Team member(s): Thipnatcha Trivatevorakul, Geetham Pasumarty, Teodora Popescu, Josh Oates, Maria Alejandra Rodriguez, Kailshree Gadani, Muskan Goyal, Aditya Roy Chowdhury and Akshay Khaneja
Modified by Thipnatcha Trivatevorakul on
Modified by Thipnatcha Trivatevorakul on

Triangle System Wall is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 - 2024-2025 by the student(s) Thipnatcha Trivatevorakul, Geetham Pasumarty, Teodora Popescu, Josh Oates, Maria Alejandra Rodriguez, Kailshree Gadani, Muskan Goyal, Aditya Roy Chowdhury and Akshay Khaneja during the course MAA02 MAEBB02 MRAC02 24/25 Robotic Fabrication with Valentino Tagliaboschi and Tom Svilans.