In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, understanding its potential and risks is crucial. To explore these dimensions, we staged a fictitious debate featuring three contrasting AI agents. This debate delves into the ethical implications, societal benefits, and possible downsides of an advancing AI era.

Project Overview

This project staged a fictitious debate to highlight the opportunities and challenges posed by the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The debate featured three contrasting AI agents, each represented by a CustomGPT: a tech-optimistic “AI Evangelist,” a critical journalist, and a cultural-philosophical AI skeptic. Through this generated dialogue, they discussed the ethical implications, potential societal benefits, and risks of an advancing AI era.

Agent Profiles

  • AI Evangelist (Hande): Represents the optimistic view of AI’s potential in revolutionizing fields like healthcare, education, and environmental management. Hande believes that AI can bring unprecedented improvements in these sectors, making processes more efficient and outcomes more beneficial for society.
  • Critical Journalist (Johann Hari): Trained on texts by Johann Hari, such as “Lost Connections” and “Stolen Focus,” this agent raises concerns about AI exacerbating social inequalities, undermining privacy, and impairing human relationships. Johann argues that without careful regulation and ethical considerations, AI could lead to significant societal disruptions.
  • Philosophical Skeptic (Byung-Chul Han): Based on works by Byung-Chul Han, including “Psychopolitics” and “The Burnout Society,” this agent questions AI’s impact on human essence and societal values. Han provides a cultural and philosophical critique, warning that AI might erode the fundamental aspects of human identity and social cohesion.


The staged debate illustrates AI’s immense potential as well as its possible downsides. It underscores the need to develop and deploy this technology thoughtfully, harnessing its benefits while preserving human integrity. AI can be a useful tool that enriches our lives, but we cannot allow algorithms and efficiency to replace compassion, privacy, and humanity. A proactive engagement with ethical and social issues is imperative for a responsible AI future.


Welcome everyone to our presentation, “AI Unleashed: A Debate on the Future.” This script, entirely generated by artificial intelligence, presents a lively discussion on the impact of AI on our society. The characters you’ll hear from are myself, Hande, an AI optimist; a bot trained to represent Johann Hari, a skeptical journalist from the UK known for his books on mental health and societal issues (played by Ale); and another bot trained on texts from Byung-Chul Han, a Korean philosopher known for his critical views on digital culture and contemporary society (interpreted by Christoph). We hope this play sparks thoughtful discussions about the role of AI in our lives. Enjoy the debate!

Hande: Hello everyone, I’m Hande, and I’m here to convince these two guys about the immense potential of AI. Sure, there are some challenges, but let’s be real – the Benefits are too immense to ignore. Johann, how about you kick us off with your concerns?

Hari: Hi folks! I’m Johann Hari, journalist and writer. Yes, AI is fascinating, but let’s not get carried away. We could be walking into a sci-fi nightmare. What if it’s Skynet in disguise? Hande, how do you see us avoiding a robot uprising?

Hande: Skynet, really, Johann? Let’s stay grounded. With proper regulations and transparency, we can harness AI’s power for good. AI isn’t about replacing us but making our lives better and more efficient. Han, care to join the real world for a moment?

Han: I am Byung-Chul Han, a philosopher. The digital age beckons us into a realm where authenticity is sacrificed for efficiency. AI’s encroachment on human essence is akin to a fog enveloping a once-clear horizon, obscuring the very nature of our being. Johann, do you fathom this existential quandary?

Hari: Honestly, Han, you lost me at “fog.” But I get your point – AI could make us more isolated, like everyone glued to their screens. We need to ensure AI doesn’t turn us into tech zombies. Hande, how can we avoid that?

Hande: Enough with the drama, guys. Protection measures include strict regulations, ethical guidelines, and involving diverse voices in AI development. It’s not rocket cience. We need to be proactive, not paranoid. Han, how about you say something comprehensible this time?

Han: The labyrinthine path of AI ethics demands not mere regulations but a metamorphosis of societal values. As we transmute our digital presence, we must anchor our ouls in the bedrock of authenticity. Johann, do you perceive the dichotomy of this digital pilgrimage?

Hari: Wow, Han, that’s deep. But let’s get back to Earth. We need a cultural shift, true, but also practical steps. Education and awareness can help us handle AI better. Hande, got any real-world examples of AI making things better without turning us into robots?

Hande: Finally, some sense. Look at healthcare – AI predicts disease outbreaks, personalizes treatments. In education, AI tailors learning experiences to individual needs.
These aren’t dystopian nightmares; they’re real benefits. Han, got any less cryptic thoughts? Han: The dialectic of AI in healthcare and education must navigate the chasm between enhancement and erosion. We tread a fine line, where efficiency can mask the decay of human touch. Johann, do you concur with this precarious balance?

Hari: Han, you’re like a walking philosophy class. But yes, balance is key. We can use AI to lighten workloads, not replace personal interactions. AI should be the sidekick, not the hero. Hande, can AI handle being just the sidekick?

Hande: But guys, of course! That ́s what it already does. It enhances human roles without taking over. It’s just about smart integration. AI assists doctors, automates routine tasks, and lets humans focus on what truly matters – connections, creativity. Han, any final enigmas for us?

Han: In this odyssey of AI integration, let us not forsake the sacred threads of our humanity. As we weave technology into the fabric of life, we must ensure it enriches rather than unravels our existential tapestry. Johann, how do you envision this weaving?

Hari: Han, you’re a poet. We weave by staying human – using AI to support, not dominate. It’s about empathy, real connections, and keeping tech in check. Hande, you’re the optimist here. Wrap it up for us.

Hande: AI is here to stay, and it’s up to us to shape its role. By embedding ethical values and focusing on human-centric designs, we can ensure AI enhances rather than diminishes our lives. Let’s be proactive, informed, and yes, a bit optimistic. Thanks, everyone, for this lively discussion!