Finding stories in an ‘altered’ normal of a digitally blended reality.

IIn “Ready Player One,” directed by Steven Spielberg, the OASIS Corporation controls a vast virtual reality universe that serves as the film’s central setting. This digital utopia offers an escape from a dystopian reality predominated by the prevalence of the emergent over stacking of modular structures that have now populated the cityscape with these new ‘lopsided’ futuristic skyscrapers. These socially innovative yet low-tech, plugin, and pre-fab structures rise quickly but lack regulation. Ugly and cheap, yet immeasurably vast, they teem with human vitality. The locals pride themselves on the sort of ingenuity under- duress known in India as jugaad — and on unashamed piracy. In these seemingly new democratic urban elements, people are now engaged in constant turf wars forcing law enforcement to navigate the crooked alleys heavily armed, maintaining a tenuous order.
In this gritty reality, the OASIS stands as a beacon of hope and adventure. Characters compete to find a hidden Easter egg within the OASIS, aiming to inherit the corporation’s control and fortune. The stark contrast between the constant anarchic physical world and the boundless virtual universe underscores the film’s exploration of technology, society, and the quest for control and freedom.
These skyscrapers symbolize the fractured state of the real world through the elimination of boundaries with the emergence of this new urban order, where rapid technological advancements outpace societal regulations and enforcement seems futile in these corridors of control. Amid this chaos, the OASIS offers a seamless digital escape, highlighting the tension between reality and virtuality. As characters navigate this seemingly new cyborg urban landscape, their journey within the OASIS reflects an escapism into multiple worlds/environments with clear definitions and themes wherein one identifies with a sect and finds a sense of belonging. The film’s narrative weaves together the physical and virtual worlds, showcasing the transformative potential of technology in shaping society’s destiny.