Exploring Dynamic Privacy in Public Spaces through Distance Sensors and Servo Motors

This project represents a captivating exploration at the crossroads of programming, physical computing, and spatial design. The central focus revolves around the utilization of cutting-edge technologies, namely distance sensors and servo motors, to craft an interactive partition module. The primary objective is to investigate the practical applications of this technological synergy in elevating privacy dynamics within the realm of public spaces.

Project Overview

The convergence of distance sensors and servo motors unlocks a realm of possibilities for reshaping our interaction with the built environment. At its core, this project endeavors to seamlessly integrate these technologies into an interactive partition module, with the ultimate goal of revolutionizing the way we perceive and utilize public spaces.

Folding Paper Module


This project will delve into the exciting intersection of programming, physical computing, and spatial design. The primary focus will be on using distance sensors and servo motors to create an interactive partition module. The aim is to explore the practical applications of this technology in enhancing privacy within public spaces.

Conceptual Diagram


Input : Potentiometer, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Output : Servo Motor

Bill of materials

1. Arduino Uno x1 2. Potentiometer x1 3. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor x1
4. Servo Motor x1 5. Breadboard 6. Jumper wires x10 7. Paper Craft module



Control the on/off state of a servo motor’s rotation using a potentiometer and distance sensor, with conditions based on both inputs.
potentiometer = off , distance <=10 ? servo motor 0 | potentiometer = on , distance <=10 ? servo motor 180

Next steps

In the future phase, the focus turns to the artistic capabilities of strategically placed and programmed servo motors. Designers can create captivating patterns, extending beyond visual appeal to applications like kinetic sculptures and interactive designs. This approach ensures a visually stunning experience, where synchronized motion becomes the language for unfolding spatial narratives.

Pattern study

Reimagining Privacy in Public Spaces

This technological fusion revolves around redefining privacy in public spaces. Interactive partitions, guided by distance sensors, create an environment where the line between public and private spaces is dynamically determined. This innovative approach enhances user experience and challenges traditional spatial design concepts by adapting modular structures to our evolving urban environment.

Interactive Partition in Public Space

In conclusion, this project serves as a testament to the transformative power of technology in the realm of architecture and design. By harnessing the capabilities of distance sensors and servo motors, it propels us into a future where the very fabric of public spaces is dynamically shaped, offering new possibilities for interaction, aesthetics, and privacy.