Investigating the Impact of Open Green Spaces on Airbnb Rates with Python
1. Introduction
The industry of tourism in Barcelona has seen a major hike in the past couple years. Post-covid Barcelona has also become an educational hub for students from across the globe. The increase in Inflow of people has also made platform urbanism a major facilitator of planning vacation itinerary. Booking accommodations is the foremost need while planning itineraries.
AirBNB is one of the most important platforms that helps tourists and students alike, to book accommodations for their duration of stays. AirBNB has listings of different types of accommodations that vary from hotels to student housings. The platform had specially helped its users to make informed choices of their accommodation in Barcelona. AirBNB does this by providing it’s users detailed information of the type of accommodation and it’s facilities, proximity to various urban amenities, information about the hosts and an option of interaction between users and hosts.
2. Objective
The objective of this study is to analyse how proximity to certain facilities and amenities affects tourist accommodation prices in the city of Barcelona. The study tries to understand how the presence of open spaces in close proximity to the listed AirBNB’s affects the price of the stay. Most tourists are now aware of their health and like to go for a run or a jog. Open green spaces situated in the vicinity becomes an incentive for the tourists to choose some particular accommodations. This study aims at studying if the new trend of smart accommodation choices affects the prices of accommodation.
3. Methodology
The study is carried out by writing a code in python to do an analysis. This is primarily done using accommodation listings in Barcelona from AirBNB and mapping them spatially using geopandas and contextlily. Henceforth, the study then relatively assesses the change in accommodation prices with respect to their proximity to open green spaces.

4. Conclusion
To conclude, it is noticed that the proximity to open green spaces in turn plays a major role in the prices of the AirBNB prices. This also shows that tourists are more likely to book AirBNB’s at the locations that are closer to open green spaces.