How can we improve the additive manufacturing process?
According to a panel of experts, this process is not perfect. There are several issues on it, like the time that they normally spend prototyping to have “the perfect piece”. This involves different parameters like speed, pressure, Material Consistency, the calibration of the robot, etc. In most of the cases in small scale architecture and design. After this we came with the conclusion of the need for a feedback loop of information and a complete understanding of the process.
We are talking about when it fails and why. To achieve this goal, this experiment is looking to verify the accuracy of the previously deposited material during the AM process. The design process generates a set of task waypoints for the Tool Center Point (TCP) to track and it is recorded. While images are acquired via a calibrated camera, gathered images are processed such that the deposited material is segmented from the previous layers.

Advance Technology: Computer vision and AI in the Additive Manufacturing process is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Robotics & Advanced Construction 02 – 2022-2023 by the student(s) Andrea Najera during the course MRAC02 22/23 Advanced Technology with Vincent Huyghe.