A City’s Revolution has come!
Uplifting its community by changing the perception and usage of modern cities through Hygiene

Barcelona’s lack of public toilets can lead to unhygienic situations such as relieving oneself on the streets of the city but also having to find another solution without the guarantee of knowing if the facilities will be clean. Corner’s solution is to provide a subscription based low-cost dependable toilet facility that provides ease of mind within range at your convenience, in turn producing a cleaner and an accessible city that people can take pride in.

The trouble of actively having to search for a restroom when in need of relief

The current number of public toilets to people in Barcelona city and the layout of the toilets spread throughout

The current situation of public toilets in Barcelona and their ratings

The reality from lack of numerous dependable clean public toilets

Corner’s solution proposal for the community by having hygienic clean toilets that are 24/7 open and therefore in combination of a 5min walking distance always accessible. Another important value that our product delivers is that our clients will feel homely, well and comfortable, which is crucial in situation that are so private and intimate.

In the process of placing toilets throughout the city we would analyze the “hotspots” of people in the streets and select accordingly the locations. In this example the location of the toilets are placed inside the grid system of the city by having one every 4 blocks. In that case the maximum walking distance to the next toilet would be 2 blocks which is equivalent to 5min walking.

The market Corner will be operating in

Users of Corner‘s facilities

Our reasons for implementing the business now in the way we do is that society experiences a shift, where it gets more and more common to share things through a subscription and not having own them. At the same time our product would have a positive impact on uplifting the community by shifting the usage of a city into a new dimension. The livability of urban space would experience an upgrade in which home isn’t anymore a fixed space but your urban surrounding.

Corner business model. This diagram describes the three cycles our company operates in. The cleaning cycle which is necessary to obtain hygiene and cleanliness to ensure the well-being of our clients. The second cycle is the income that we receive through our displays placed in the toilets on which all kind of companies can play there advertisements. The last cycle describes the income from the users which is explained in following image.

We provide for the users different payment methods in dependence of being a one-time user or using our product in everyday-life. Between two payment methods can be chosen. The one for daily-life use would be the monthly subscription that costs 3.99€ and allows you a endless use during the month. This system wouldn’t be too convenient for tourists or businessmen that are maybe just once in the city and feel the need. For this situation we support a credit-card payment which would be done contactless at the entrance of the door.

The equipment our company would need to start. The total costs to launch our product would be 500.000€, with which first toilets and systems could be set-up allowing the company to grow and expand. The calculation above show that we would do 10.3 million € a year in Barcelona only. On a European metropolis scale that means that the potential is around 215 million €.

Our phased approach is designed to strategically address the problem of not having clean and accessible toilets in European metropolises, ensuring relief is always within walking distance with an appealing design that positively impacts the city community and makes it more livable.