
Interactive LEDs is a prototype for a wall that utilizes Ultrasonic sensors and Sound modules from Arduino to create a responsive light installation that allows individuals to interact and engage with it.

Sound modules constantly check for any type of sound variation and as soon as an individual make one near the wall, ultrasonic sensors pick up its coordinates and the closest LEDs will turn on in sequence, creating a spread effect of blue lights.

Louder the sound, slower will be the LEDs sequence, giving a visual connection between sound and light.

Bill of materials:

2D tracking:

To get the X coordinate of an object, needed for this project, can be utilized 2 ultrasonic sensors. Having the 2 distances from the sensors and the distance between these modules, we know the length of all the sides of a triangle and we can apply a trigonometry formula to calculate the 2D coordinates.

For setting the distance in between the modules is therefore important to consider:

If the target is closer then both of these sensors need to be slightly closer, such that the cone of these sensors intersects at close distance.

The lower separation will lead to lower accuracy (especially at the high range) and higher separation distance will lead to better accuracy.



Cooding time:

[Code – step 1/5]
[Code – step 2/5]
[Code – step 3/5]
[Code – step 4/5]
[Code – step 5/5]

Next step:

If scaled up, this interactive wall can be placed in various context such as a galley, or around a pedestrian tunnel, or in a dance club, interacting with the people nearby at the rhythm of the music.

[Image done vith the help of Midjourney]