
SPACE SYNTAX: The Idea of space syntax is to locate the programs using points and curves to establish connectivity among the programs which is then computed on grasshopper by the space syntax component to give optimized zoning based on CONTROL, DEPTH & INTEGRATIVE factors.

As a part of this seminar the Rhino models were converted into Revit models for documentation using Rhino inside, which is a newly introduced plugin for Revit. Rhino inside allows designers more time to iterate design options and spend less time on documentation.

The panels are imported to Revit using adaptive components. An adaptive family for the panel was created in Revit families and was referenced in grasshopper using ‘Add Component (Adaptive)‘.

The beams were created using CHS Revit families which was referenced in grasshopper using ‘Add Structural Beam‘.

The wall thickness for the metaballs was created using ‘Offset curve‘ component in grasshopper, which enables us to get the void inside the metaballs. The wall were created using ‘Add Floor‘ component with 100mm thick floors as to show that the metaballs have to be printed in 100mm thick layers.

Visibility Graphics has been used to show different types of panels in the model.

For the Panel Ids, the centroid for each panel was extracted from the Rhino model and the list were sorted on grasshopper to give an unique Id for each of the panels in the models using ‘Element Parameter‘.