Large Span Truss Structure

Main Structural Components

Primary Trusses Catlogue

1. Install the core towers for circulation
2. Place the ramps
3. Add on the primary structural trusses and floorplates for the community centre and hydroponics
4. Put the secondary structural trusses to reinforce it
5. Add the floorplates and the residential unit
Forces Diagram Lateral

Forces Diagram Gravity

Truss Junction Details

Physical Model understanding the structure

Load Testing
After a thorough analysis of the structural loading and its behavior, we have developed a more efficient and lightweight approach to address the cantilever and overall structure.
Adaptive Frame Structure
We devised an adaptive frame structure that provides support from the upper residential floors to the lower public floors, and changes as required to accommodate the different conditions of the building.
Assembly of the structure :
1. Installation of the frame/core piles and foundations
2. Install the first stage of frames and cores (using scaffolding)
3. Install the floor plates for the main floor and plaza (using scaffolding)
4. Install the second stage of frames and cores (using scaffolding)
5. Install the floor plates for the first three residential floors (using scaffolding)
6. Install the final stage of frames and cores (using scaffolding)
7. Install the floor plates for the final three residential floors (using scaffolding)
8. Install the ramps and water level platforms

Due to the exposure of the structure in relation to the water, we needed to consider the different levels of wood treatment according to the degrees of exposure, as indicated in the section above.

The adaptive frame provides a coherent, holistic approach to solving the loading of the structure. As the building changes across its length; via variations of residential floors, ground level floors height changes, courtyard openings, and ramp support; so too does the structure, adapting to the building requirements as they come. The result is an interesting structure that provides intriguing, intimate, and open spaces as one moves through the levels. By utilizing glulam framing members and timber piles, responsibly sourced wood is the primary material, providing a more ecologically sound structure when compared to using large amounts of concrete and steel.