A phenomenon in which self-propelled individuals, using only limited environmental information and simple rules, organize into an ordered motion. This ordering even occurs at two dimensions where ordering is not possible equilibrium systems. 

Boid Movement

Different Behaviors

Alignment Behavior

Alignment ensures that individual agents within a flock move in a consistent direction, fostering cohesive group movement. It influences how closely neighboring agents align their trajectories, contributing to collective patterns like schooling or swarming.

Cohesion Behavior

Cohesion regulates the density and spatial organization of a flock by encouraging agents to stay close to their neighbors. It promotes clustering and unity within the group, influencing the overall stability and behavior of the flock.

Separation Behavior

Separation dictates the spacing between individual agents within a flock, preventing collisions and overcrowding. It governs how agents maintain safe distances from one another, affecting the group’s structure and dynamics.


Alignment Behavior

Cohesion Behavior

Separation Behavior

Final Results