
The privacy screen generator is web-based tool for non-technical audiences who can design their own space separator without having any software knowledge.

Grasshopper definition

How to use

Through a few simple sliders, the user can easily choose the size of their desired partition, the density of the openings, and the size of these openings. The design is made to allow for small-to-big type of opening which the user can also specify where each will be roughly located, depending on their requirements.

The application also allows the user to choose from a set of shape presets. The shapes have been selected to allow for different design languages that will suit different tastes and design themes.


The Privacy Screen Generator app will serve as a great tool to help people in a DIY type of approach towards designing such complex decor elements without the need to hire a professional. The app also provides the user with some useful information such as the estimated cost of the partition as well as the percentage of open-to-solid.