Within the current global context of rapid change, integrated with the potentials of digital technologies, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is committed to the generation of new ideas and applications for Urban Design, Self Sufficiency, Digital Manufacturing Techniques and Advanced Interaction.

In this context IAAC works with a multidisciplinary approach, facing the challenges posed by our environment and the future development of cities, architecture and buildings, through a virtuous combination of technology, biology, computational design, digital and robotic fabrication, pushing innovation beyond the boundaries of a more traditional architectural approach.

On how lopsided pyramids might emerge

“Ready Player One,” portrays a dystopian future where ‘people stopped to try to fix problems and instead try to outlive them’. The movie plays out in an informal urban landscape of juxtaposed favela-like settlements forming organic superstructures, as well as in a virtual environment supported by a virtual reality headset. These worlds exist in symbiosis, … Read more

Ultra-thin elements

The project Optimizing ultra-thin Concrete elements Spacing for Maximum Visual Access experiments the impact of ultra-thin concrete elements in a built space particularly in the realm of visual access. With the help of computational tools like ladybug Vision analysis its impact on Performance is evaluated. Spider webs are one of the best inspiration for various structural … Read more


Harmonising Coastal Futures, Restoring Balance in China’s Maritime , A Speculation of Communal Synergy in the context of Houtouwan THE PROBLEM // RESOURCE EXPLOITATION | OVER FISHING China’s over fishing crisis looms large, statistics revealing a stark reality of declining marine resources. With the majority of the worlds fishing resources coming from China, the country has … Read more

Glulam, Joints & Segments

This term, we concentrated on learning new fabrication techniques. From our previous site, we selected the Keeper’s Lodge as the focus for reimagining with timber structures. Our goal was to design a structure that would envelop and enhance the existing Keeper’s Lodge. The section below was selected to be fabricated at a 1:2 scale. The … Read more

Microhome-garden colony

In response to the exponential population growth in large cities and the pressing need to reduce carbon emissions, this proposal explores the genetic optimization of constructing minimal habitable units of 25 m² using Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), inspired by the annual Microhome competition. The objective is to maximize the integration of microhomes, green areas, and exterior-facing … Read more

Optimizing green spaces

Optimizing green spaces is a project that aims to spot potential areas (plazas) around the cities, that are “dry” spaces, meaning that are composed mainly by pavement, and transform them into green areas, to enhance the quality of life who lives around and who is walking by, taking in consideration how people occupy the space … Read more


Optimization process TwistedTexture is designed to minimize direct radiation on slabs and facades, optimizing energy efficiency. It uses sunshades and ventilated facades to reduce heat gain while maintaining natural light. The building blends with its surroundings, responding to Santiago’s climate. Advanced optimization algorithms explore various forms, balancing design complexity, compactness, and shading. The final configuration … Read more


The golden ratio is renowned for its aesthetically pleasing and harmonious proportion, found throughout nature. When observed within the context of a spiral, this ratio repeats itself, serving as an efficient way to distribute objects around a central element, maximizing the number of elements while maintaining equal spacing and minimizing wasted space. IDEA Designing a … Read more


designing a future for a country torn by civil war – how to make people feel safe and able to trust each other? ISSUE – Relevance and Implications SITE – Relevance and Character COMMUNITY – Existing Narrative QUANTITATIVE DATA – Georgraphy, Ecology, Demographics QUALITATIVE DATA – Sociocultural and Community DESIGN RESPONSE – Speculative Program DESIGN RESPONSE – … Read more


Segmented Shell Structures with Cork Panels: Design, Robotic Fabrication and Assembly “SilentShell” explores the use of cork for sound absorption in creating buffer partitions within the IAAC workspace, employing a shell structure concept. The design features a wooden frame with cork panels, fabricated through a combination of robotic and human efforts. The process includes preparing … Read more


This project aims to study the current situation in the city of El Ejido, and create a proposal of a design that will respond to the social issues of the city. The majority of the land of this city is consisted of farming lands and greenhouses which are occupied by immigrants that are working there … Read more

Turbulence and Regeneration

The chosen site is the intersection of the Besòs River in Barcelona with the Mediterranean Sea. This location serves as a convergence point for different natural ecologies, as well as being impacted by human activities, such as the electrical industry with outlets into the river. Therefore, the site provides a perfect theater to visualize, not … Read more