The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Tiny Topographies

Optimizing Bar Buildings for Sunlight and Pathways The aim of this project was to design a typology of housing is needed that resembles small, artificial terrains. The Bar Building typology will have set of long, dense buildings that will mimic the form of a topography. The forms will need to be optimized to allow for all the … Read more

From butterfly wing to buildings.

The shapes of butterfly wings is a product of genetic programming, developmental biology, and evolutionary adaptations. Variations in wing shape among different species result from adaptations to their ecological niches, predation pressures, and other environmental factors. Different butterfly species have evolved wing shapes adapted to their specific ecological niches. For example, some species have wings … Read more

Mushroom Façade

Facade optimization based on Sunlight   Two layers of the facade: one is stable, and the other layer grows based on the points that are warmer or receive more  sunlight to reduce heat and sunlight. The design objectives Environmental Sustainability Energy Efficiency: Reduce energy consumption for heating, cooling, and lighting. Climate Adaptation: Design to adapt to … Read more

F1 Horizons

This optimization uses computational design to achieve the best placement of the Grand-Stand around a predefined F1 racetrack and topology for maximum visibility for spectators using Grasshopper and Galapagos Evolutionary solver.


Design optimization strategy of a garage in London based on Karamba and Ladybug Sensitivity Analysis Total (average) fitness iterations Catalogues load distribution in ceiling in different iterations


PHYLLOTAXIS The arrangement of leaves or floral parts around a stem or axis is called phyllotaxis. The term comes from the Greek phullon – ‘leaf’ and taxis – ‘arrangement’. The model was first proposed by Wilhelm Hofmeister in 1868. IMPORTANCE: The objective of the phyllotaxis is to avoid overcrowding. So that all leaves get maximum … Read more

The Rippled Facade

Optimizing the building skin inspired by Rippled droplets Meta balls as an isomorphic surfaces constructed as composite assemblages of the mutually infecting parametric objects with internal forces of mass and attraction.region of influence,which could be additive (positive) or subjective(negative)Isomorphic architecture(Bubble) Blobitecture , blobism and blobism are terms for a movement in architecture in which buildings … Read more

Responsive Living——Underwater Coral Residence

Background Self-sustaining growth patterns of coral ecosystems can provide sustainable underwater living environments. Pseudocode Influencing Factors Surface Type Generate Coral Optimal lighting Surface Type (Optimal lighting) Responsive Structure The structure of the coral residence changes shape with sunlight. During the day, corals expand to maximize photosynthesis, and at night, they contract to conserve energy. Responsive … Read more

Ultra-thin elements

The project Optimizing ultra-thin Concrete elements Spacing for Maximum Visual Access experiments the impact of ultra-thin concrete elements in a built space particularly in the realm of visual access. With the help of computational tools like ladybug Vision analysis its impact on Performance is evaluated. Spider webs are one of the best inspiration for various structural … Read more

Optimizing green spaces

Optimizing green spaces is a project that aims to spot potential areas (plazas) around the cities, that are “dry” spaces, meaning that are composed mainly by pavement, and transform them into green areas, to enhance the quality of life who lives around and who is walking by, taking in consideration how people occupy the space … Read more

Studies on Natural Flocking Behavior

A phenomenon in which self-propelled individuals, using only limited environmental information and simple rules, organize into an ordered motion. This ordering even occurs at two dimensions where ordering is not possible equilibrium systems.  Boid Movement Different Behaviors Alignment Behavior Alignment ensures that individual agents within a flock move in a consistent direction, fostering cohesive group … Read more

Growth on butterfly wings.

The wings of a butterfly are membranous with veins running longitudinally from the base (where the wings are attached to the thorax) to the outer margins of the wings. The pattern and arrangement of these veins (wing venation) is an important diagnostic tool in the identification of butterflies. It is therefore important to understand the … Read more


The project aims to simlulate & understand the behaviour behind the Northern Lights – Aurora Borealis. It is an attempt to explore magnetic fields within a domain of charges, strength & decay. The project develops further into simulating the phenomena via means of particle behavior in the Earth’s Atmosphere, dissipating a gradient of colors as … Read more

Fractalization of Tree Branching

Fractals are commonly found within nature. They are self-similar structures, where one aspect of the fractal is identical to the rest. This allows it to be scaled up or down while fitting within itself. Within trees, fractalization is found in the way the branches are grown from each other, always yielding smaller and smaller versions … Read more

Spider Web Spinning

The Spider Web Spinning Project seeks to digitally replicate the intricate process of spider web construction. By delving deep into the anatomy, behavior, and environmental conditions influencing web formation, this project aims to unravel the secrets behind nature’s engineering marvel. Spider web formation, known as “web spinning,” is a remarkable feat of engineering mastered by … Read more


Abstract Computational Approach to Understanding Growth of Mycelium INTRODUCTION LIFE PROCESS UNDERSTANDING GROWTH UNDERSTANDING PARAMETERS OF INFLUENCE DECONSTRUCTING THE PHENOMENON SINGLE BRANCHING SYSTEM – APPROACH 01 PERFORMANCE SINGLE BRANCHING SYSTEM _SHORTEST WALK Within an environment mimicking soil conditions, the organism’s spore point discerns optimal targets such as moisture, nutrients, light, and temperature.  Through this sensory … Read more


circulatory system Chemical Equation Flow & Diffusion(Peclet number formula) Flow Simulation Coral Section Diffusion Simulation Growth Monitor wave Simulation Influence of Waves others Influence factors(Next step) The survival of corals is currently influenced and challenged by various factors, leading to the gradual disappearance of this ancient ecosystem. In order to simulate both favorable and adverse … Read more

Studies on Fractal Growth – Computational Desing II

The term “fractal” was coined by the mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975. Mandelbrot based it on the Latin fr?ctus, meaning “broken” or “fractured”, and used it to extend the concept of theoretical fractional dimensions to geometric patterns in nature In mathematics, a fractal is a geometric shape containing detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales, usually … Read more

Reef Rhythm: Differential Growth in the dance of Reaction Diffusion

This project explores the differential growth under the reaction diffusion phenomena. Moving from the microscopic behavior of magnetic fluids to the macroscopic phenomenon of differential growth, revealing the interconnectedness of physical processes and biological phenomena. Beginning with an exploration of the properties and behaviors of magnetic fluids, and establishing an understanding of their unique dynamics. … Read more