The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



INSPIRATION CONCEPT Aqua REVIVAL, a smart irrigation system which monitors tank levels via water sensors, activates a pump to draw and filter greywater. This sustainable solution minimizes grid water usage, promoting responsible landscaping. The addition of a soil moisture sensor ensures optimal soil hydration for thriving landscapes. PSEUDOCODE This pseudocode activates the DC motor with … Read more


RESPONSIVE BUILDING SKIN Ecofacade stands out as a revolutionary concept inspired by the intricate art of origami. This Miura fold pattern design is more than just an aesthetic marvel; it’s an intelligent, responsive facade system designed to harmonize with the environment. Ecofacade operates on a simple yet sophisticated principle: adjusting to environmental conditions to maintain … Read more

Innovate to Elevate

Interactive Facade System Introduction Murr Tower, is a prominent abandoned skyscraper located in the city of Beirut, Lebanon. The tower was initially intended to be a luxurious residential and commercial complex. Construction began in the 1970s but was halted during the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990). The tower remained incomplete and abandoned for years, serving as … Read more


CONCEPT I hate sweaty armpits. I hate having them, and I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. Although sweat is a normal bodily function, it might be an insecurity for some.However, this worthless device will not come close to addressing the problem. But it might shame you into taking the proper actions. Introducing: PitPatrol™, … Read more