The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



ThermoVision is a predictive tool that leverages machine learning to gauge thermal comfort in urban landscapes, allowing us to understand the correlation between our built environment and the thermal comfort. There is inconsistent outdoor thermal comfort due to varied building topologies, building materials and vegetation. Understanding the thermal landscapes is challenging due to their complexity. … Read more

Reinforcement Learning

Group 5 How can apartment typologies be designed to create communities within buildings, addressing social exclusion and isolation caused by modernist architecture?  Can reinforcement learning be used to optimize the distribution of public and private spaces, such as apartments, balconies, patios, and courtyards, to create sub-communities within the building.

Terrace Hunter

CONTEXT: Pedro always has visitors and enjoys exploring the city while finding new patios to have a drink in the city of Barcelona. Often with larger groups of people, the patio size can’t always accommodate.  Before choosing a spot, he wants to know how big the patios are and where within the city they are … Read more

Impact of Facade Materials on UHI Values

Introduction This project aims to investigate the extent to which different facade material choices can influence the urban heat island effect in the surrounding area. Urban Heat Island There are many factors that affect urban heat island and the three main branches are urban morphology, meteorology and surfaces.  Out of all the factors three were … Read more