The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.
Course: MAA02 24/25 Advanced Manufacturing Thesis Cluster
Processes and Products in the contemporary AEC sector
view Syllabus & FacultyAdvanced Manufacturing Cluster – T02
Analog End Effector Explorations Mechanical End Effector Explorations Final Robotic Jig Design | Facade Iterations
Optoppen refers to the concept of adding prefabricated structures on top of existing rooftops to maximize space efficiently. Myy project focuses on addressing housing demand challenges by exploring lightweight housing extensions on existing buildings. My project focuses on addressing housing demand challenges by exploring lightweight housing extensions on existing buildings. Housing Shortage History Why are … Read more
Reinventing Bamboo Architecture
Bamboo, a sustainable and strong material, remains underutilized in modern architecture. My research explores new methodologies to optimize its structural potential, reinvestigating its bending properties and integrating digital fabrication techniques. Addressing durability and standardization challenges, I advocate for bamboo’s inclusion in European building codes, promoting it as a viable alternative to steel and concrete. By … Read more