The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



Multi-material Additive Manufacturing solutions. CONTEXT The synergy between clay additive manufacturing and computational design has revolutionized construction, bridging the gap between project design and production. This integration has established a direct-design-build system, facilitating seamless translation of intricate designs into physical structures with precision and speed. This transformative approach enables complex geometries, customization, and cost-effective sustainability … Read more


“Framed by the environmental crisis and taking into account the thermal and structural inefficiency of the existing building stock, this thesis will be an exploration on architecturally and structurally meaningful elements, as plugin systems to address the need for retrofitting. The main objective is to provide alternatives of structural retrofitting methods by utilizing robotic fabrication … Read more


This project repurposes live-edge wood waste for shingle facade elements, enabling diverse spatial configurations. The goal is a flexible system accommodating varied thickness, length, and geometry of live-edge wood waste. Advanced robotic fabrication and scanning ensure adaptability in design. The focus is on an easily constructed, flexible system utilizing scanning to match live-edge wood, resulting … Read more

My Lonely Days Are Over

‘My Lonely Days Are Over ‘ is a project aimed to addressing loneliness in an increasingly isolated society, through the creation of a dependable hand that provides physical stimulus i.e. a high-five; usually shared between friends in moments of joy or to express appreciation. Schematic 1x Arduino Uno 1x Bread Board 1x Ultrasonic Sensor: HC-SR04 … Read more


MASTER IN ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE ROBOTIC WOODCRAFT FACULTY:  Alexandre Dubor, Marielena Papandreou, Huanyu Li STUDENT: Praneeth Aashwinay Basavraju, Anish Hatekar, Bora Cobanoglu, Sunny Manish Chopda


CONCEPT I hate sweaty armpits. I hate having them, and I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. Although sweat is a normal bodily function, it might be an insecurity for some.However, this worthless device will not come close to addressing the problem. But it might shame you into taking the proper actions. Introducing: PitPatrol™, … Read more