The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Living Parts: Architectural Members for the Age of Biology

Transforming Conventional Architectural Element Compositions for CO2 Sequestration/ecological interactions Living Parts is a project that tries to bridge the gap between anthropocentric and nature-centric design. As we already know that that the building industry, in the past couple of centuries has caused major harm to the environment with things like producing toxic waste, waste energy, … Read more

RED SEA – 2050

G4-STUDIO, KIN INFRASTRUCTURE ABSTRACT: The Red Sea 2050 Architectural Project presents an innovative and sustainable approach to coral reef conservation. Focused on education and design interventions, the project addresses the urgent need to safeguard coral ecosystems. The conceptual framework involves the creation of modular panels—both large and small—deployed as coral farming plates. This approach allows … Read more


Marine Oasis Creation Through Plastic Decomposition Implementing a Symbiotic Relationship with Aspergillus Fungi To Restore Ocean Deserts Keywords: Plastic decomposition | Aspergillus fungi | Lichen | Cyanobacteria | Marine ecosystem | Garbage Patch | Degrowth | Coral reefs | Ocean deserts | Habitat restoration The DecompAsper stands out as an innovative device that, through the synergistic … Read more


PERE IV, SANT MARTI41.410461, 2.203936 MANIFESTO In the heart of Barcelona’s ecological transition, the project at Carrer de Pere IV, 380, embodies a vision of regenerative design that breathes life into the site, offering a diverse array of ecological services. It’s a living showcase of ecological culture, an oasis in the heart of cities where … Read more


Future of Tarragona Refinery The contemporary power station plays a substantial role within the cityscape, serving not only as a primary energy generator but also as a cornerstone in the intricate tapestry of urban planning. What implications might this massive infrastructure have on the future trajectory of the city’s urban development? About the Site The … Read more


The symbiotic coexistence of humans, flora and fauna within our cities is the cornerstone of a sustainable and harmonious future.    Through a meticulous analysis of data extracted from the site and a comprehensive understanding of Barcelona’s climatic conditions, our visionary project sets its sights on the future, envisioning Barcelona in the year 2050 as a … Read more

Urban Block in Gdansk – Environmental Analysis

Context The city that we selected for our project was Gda?sk – a city in Europe, in northern Poland with a coastal and temperate climate. We looked closely at temperature, humidity, radiation, and wind during our research on the local climate conditions. Climate analysis Gdansk experiences a moderate climate with warm, but not excessively hot … Read more

Production Ecology at the end of Work

AN OIL REFINERY BECOMES A PRODUCTION ECOLOGY AT THE END OF WORK In the vibrant landscape of Tarragona in the year 2050, the once-thriving oil refinery has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, emerging as a beacon of innovation and sustainability in a world shaped by a post-work society. What was once a hub of industrial production … Read more

Not a Waste: Landfill mine tale

The excessive waste produced in countries worldwide is a grave and unignorable concern. Urbanization contributes to enhanced municipal solid waste generation, harming health and the environment. Landfills, globally emit thousands of tons of methane gas into the air, 30 times more harmful than CO2. Waste is not waste but a resource if managed judiciously. The … Read more


“Framed by the environmental crisis and taking into account the thermal and structural inefficiency of the existing building stock, this thesis will be an exploration on architecturally and structurally meaningful elements, as plugin systems to address the need for retrofitting. The main objective is to provide alternatives of structural retrofitting methods by utilizing robotic fabrication … Read more


INSPIRATION CONCEPT Aqua REVIVAL, a smart irrigation system which monitors tank levels via water sensors, activates a pump to draw and filter greywater. This sustainable solution minimizes grid water usage, promoting responsible landscaping. The addition of a soil moisture sensor ensures optimal soil hydration for thriving landscapes. PSEUDOCODE This pseudocode activates the DC motor with … Read more


RESPONSIVE BUILDING SKIN Ecofacade stands out as a revolutionary concept inspired by the intricate art of origami. This Miura fold pattern design is more than just an aesthetic marvel; it’s an intelligent, responsive facade system designed to harmonize with the environment. Ecofacade operates on a simple yet sophisticated principle: adjusting to environmental conditions to maintain … Read more

Juego de aire

Play of air CONCEPT ‘Juego de aireis’ The concept of this prototype is to optimize the temperature and quality of the air to a comfortable and safe state, The direction and speed of the fan’s rotation attached to a motor can make a significant impact on how it regulates the temperature and air quality of … Read more

Innovate to Elevate

Interactive Facade System Introduction Murr Tower, is a prominent abandoned skyscraper located in the city of Beirut, Lebanon. The tower was initially intended to be a luxurious residential and commercial complex. Construction began in the 1970s but was halted during the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990). The tower remained incomplete and abandoned for years, serving as … Read more


The second year students of Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) and Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) participate in Llum BCN 2024 with LA CREMADA / THE BURN, an immersive interactive installation that delves deep into the world of wildfires, their origins, impacts, and the critical need for understanding and prevention. The installation, located at Plaça Les Arts, C/ … Read more