The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Reimagining a Human Settlement on the Red Planet Envisioning a self-sustained colony on Mars, our primary focus is on revolutionizing transportation within the red planet. Sustainability is our guiding principle as we design an efficient transportation system that seamlessly connects habitats across various clusters. Incorporating Tensegrity moving parts, Inflatable lightweight structures, and a Hexagonal Grid framework, our approach embraces a Kit-Of-Part methodology. Following … Read more


Envisioning a self-sustained colony on Mars, our primary focus is on revolutionizing transportation within the red planet. Sustainability is our guiding principle as we design an efficient transportation system that seamlessly connects habitats across various clusters. Incorporating Tensegrity moving parts, Inflatable lightweight structures, and a Hexagonal Grid framework, our approach embraces a Kit-Of-Part methodology. Following … Read more


Energy Phenomena In the machine room model, Convection serves as the primary mechanism for transferring heat from the hot plate to the tubes containing thermochromic fluids. This convective process affects the temperature of the thermochromic liquid within the tubes, which in turn changes the chroma i.e, color intensity of the room, thereby influencing the circadian … Read more

Urban Alliance – Project Media

In the realm of architectural design and presentation, visualization plays a pivotal role in conveying ideas, concepts, and designs to clients and stakeholders. With advancements in technology, architectural visualization has evolved tremendously, offering architects and designers a multitude of tools and techniques to bring their visions to life. Among these tools, Lumion stands out as … Read more

Urban Alliance – Urban Synthesis

The “Urban Alliance” is a mixed-use architectural design seamlessly integrating Industry 4.0 principles, featuring advanced photovoltaic production units. This visionary space harmoniously combines sustainable energy practices with residential and commercial areas, embodying a forward-thinking urban landscape that fosters eco-friendly living and innovative business practices. It exemplifies a holistic and tech-driven approach to urban planning. The project is … Read more


Integrating Radiation Shielding for a Safe and Sustainable Urban Environment Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov   

Assembled Architecture

GROUP 2 ASSEMBLAGE 1 – Components design Component A Component B Component C 2 – Custom assemblage method Component A Component B Component C 3 – Custom evaluation criteria 4 – Building the dataset Component A Component B Component C Assemblage comparison Component A Component B Component C 5 – Assemblage selection 6 – Architectural … Read more


Non planar 3D printing cork based biomaterial CORK.CATENATION employs the novel methodology of non-planar 3d printing using Cork as the bio-material. The final outcome is a connection of interconnected lattice structures- broken down into modules that can be assembled to form a building skin that can morph according to the surface topology and solar radiation results.


Pluripotent (‘capable of multiple tasks‘) stem cells are cells that can divide indefinitely.  These cell layers are the fundamental tissues that give rise to all the different types of cells and tissues found in the adult organism.  Given this property, stem cells are potentially able to recreate any tissue or organ found in the body.  … Read more

The Rooftop Playground

A Place to enjoy the sun, play, hide and chill The Rooftop Playground proposes, as the name suggests, a leisure (playground) space on the given rooftop of IAAC building. This attempt is derived from the current lack of character, the needs in alternating qualities of spaces (privacy, light, etc.), as well as the need of … Read more

Slime Molds Simulation

Natural Behavior This exercise focuses on exploring and understanding the behavior of Physarum polycephalum, a slime mold organism, through digital simulations. Different configurations and parameters will be investigated to observe how they affect the movement, reproduction, and growth of this organism. The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the interactions of Physarum polycephalum … Read more