The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Urban Alliance – Urban Synthesis

The “Urban Alliance” is a mixed-use architectural design seamlessly integrating Industry 4.0 principles, featuring advanced photovoltaic production units. This visionary space harmoniously combines sustainable energy practices with residential and commercial areas, embodying a forward-thinking urban landscape that fosters eco-friendly living and innovative business practices. It exemplifies a holistic and tech-driven approach to urban planning. The project is … Read more


GAUDI’S CAT pavilion is inspired by the geometry of Antonio Gaudi – famous Catenary arches. The structure of the pavilion consists of a central space under the canopy and an open part above. Catenary arches are located in three parts of the pavilion, serving as entrances to it, and elements of Catenary arches are also … Read more


The coming future will force architects to address the issues/necessities of density and the urgency to create more data-informed spatial configurations, such as assemblages, and embedding sets of specific architectural features. Being able to ‘inform’ large-scale systems, taking advantage of modularity, and defining the metrics toevaluate different spatial alternatives is a crucial ability. Custom Assemblage … Read more

Assembled Architecture

GROUP 2 ASSEMBLAGE 1 – Components design Component A Component B Component C 2 – Custom assemblage method Component A Component B Component C 3 – Custom evaluation criteria 4 – Building the dataset Component A Component B Component C Assemblage comparison Component A Component B Component C 5 – Assemblage selection 6 – Architectural … Read more

The Rooftop Playground

A Place to enjoy the sun, play, hide and chill The Rooftop Playground proposes, as the name suggests, a leisure (playground) space on the given rooftop of IAAC building. This attempt is derived from the current lack of character, the needs in alternating qualities of spaces (privacy, light, etc.), as well as the need of … Read more

Beyond Verticality

An Exquisite Corpse Report on Urban Form ABSTRACT IntroductionWith our work in this term we produced a multitude of drawings and images, watched and analyzed multiple movies, read multiple texts and came up with iterations and speculations. The common through line of all of these was the exploration of the nature of beyond-vertical forms of … Read more

The Cultural Canvas

An art and community center designed to foster artistic and cultural activities in a community, through a geometrically evolved design that integrates with the surrounding environment. It serves as a hub for creative expression, social and cultural exchange, providing space for exhibitions, performances, workshops, and community events. The center’s architecture combines functionality with artistic expression, creating a space … Read more


A critical, speculative graphic essay in three steps Chapter 01: Critical Analysis A critical analysis of case studies through the lens of Kiel Moe’s ‘A Case for a More Literal Architecture.’ This project seeks to critically deconstruct the element of abstraction on an urban scale through an analysis of readings from Kiel Moe’s “A Case … Read more


Balances Structures uses the ABB robot to develop a column through a pick-and-place strategy. Pushing robotic precision to its limits and minimizing human error, this project showcases how a structure in a state of delicate balance can be produced. The balance of the column was showcased not only through the placement of the structure on … Read more


DESIgn for REassembly “Design for Dis- and Re-assembly; From a column at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to inhabitable space Valldaura, to…?” Our aim for the course is to design 4 columns for the World Mobile Congress, which then will be reassembled and transformed into roofs, walls, and foundations for a small construction in … Read more