The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


DESIRE – DESIgn for REassembly

Abstract The project’s purpose is to design two different proposals where bricks and timber if cross-section 45mmx90mm are used as materials for both constructions. A study of fabrication process, creating connections and ways of assembly-disassembly structures. Proposal A CONCEPTBrick and Timber Concept Design – V3 Digital Exploration Design objective: Use the same amount of material … Read more


DESIgn for REassembly “Design for Dis- and Re-assembly; From a column at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to inhabitable space Valldaura, to…?” Our aim for the course is to design 4 columns for the World Mobile Congress, which then will be reassembled and transformed into roofs, walls, and foundations for a small construction in … Read more