The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



How can we map the confluence of humans and architecture? concept sketches design flow bill of materials arduino schematic code trial: distance / angles open position closed position


“When light scenography meet architecture” .Manifesto. This pavilion is conceived as an immersive scenographic installation that merges architectural geometry, lighting design, and environmental interaction. At its core, the project explores the dynamic relationship between form, light, and water, transforming the structure into a performative space that engages visitors through a carefully choreographed visual experience. The … Read more


STATE OF ART Part to Whole HG-A, South Korea – 2014 Building Traditions with Digital Research Rui Oliveira, Jose Pedro Sousa – 2016 Columns are analyzed as primary element of Ferreira’s designs. Columns, traditionally crafted through meticulous layering of bricks, are viewed both as structural and visual elements in his designs. RESEARCH QUESTION; “In what … Read more


The environmental impact of the construction industry is a pressing concern. As architects, it’s essential that we shift from a linear model of consumption and production to a circular economy. In recent years, there has been notable progress in upcycling various construction materials and replacing high-emission materials like concrete with more sustainable alternatives, such as … Read more

Irregular Modularity

How can we use irregular elements of reclaimed offcut-timber to  challenge the methodology of using planar, Interlocking and stacking techniques which can then be utilized in the design of forms ? Data CollectionThis first starts with a collection of materials and the creation of a database. This database serves as a resource for the planning … Read more