The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.




Natural ventilation system Concept The aim of the project is to program a system for the natural ventilation of facilities with constant problems with high humidity level and temperature such as SPA centers, aquatic sport centers etc. Additionally it would control the air quality and congestion and thereafter automatically control the airflow between the inside … Read more

Animal Tracking Night Alarm 

Introduction to Programming and Physical Introduction  Concept My student colleagues from Valldaura having their own yard where they grow vegetables. Due to the various species  of animals, such as wild boars and rabbits they have big casualties of the harvest. This Sonar- Alarm starts to work a when the sun sets  and the LDR-Sensor overcomes … Read more

Intruder Alert System

The idea of the project was to create an intruder alert system that senses a subject/intruder within the specified distance. As soon as an object (intruder) comes within the specified distance the Red LED will turn on along the Buzzer, informing of the presence of an intruder. The sensor in this case used is the … Read more

Comfortable Environment

Concept The idea of this project is to develop a system that will help to create a more comfortable environment within a room. The sensors monitor the light, air gases and proximities. Within this signals the motors will be activated to execute a certain job like being able to open and close the door when … Read more


CONCEPT The project focuses on Automating cooling based on room temperature. When the Room’s Temperature is above or equal to 25 degree Celsius the fans are automatically switched on to cool the room. BILL OF MATERIALS DIGITAL PROTOTYPE PROTOTYPE WORKING VIDEO

Aproaching Sensor Alarm

CONCEPT The concept of this setup is to notify when an object is approaching at different distant points LED lights will notify how close the object is by turning off individual light which are set at specific distance, as the object is closer to the desired point. As soon as it reaches the desired point … Read more

Interactive Lights 

Concept The aim of the project is to develop as lighting system that will be responsive and interactive to its surrounding people’s movements. And to make that happen, I have used the ultrasonic sensor as a proximity sensor to measure the distance of people and their movements. As a next step of this project, we … Read more


Safety Detectors on Helmets for Motorcyclists, Bikers and Skaters. The Smart Helmets aim at providing Safety to Motorcyclists, Bikers and even Skaters, to avoid crashing into a car or any object by detecting the distance of the object and light intensity from cars or other vehicles and alerting the rider with the help of buzzers … Read more

Let´s make some noise to activate non-places!

concept “Let’s make some noise to activate non-places!” is a project that aims to bring light and life for public places which could be potentially called as non-places in the cities. It is important to mention that non-places once was defined by Marc Augé (1994:72) as a space that can not be defined as identity, relational, … Read more

Matrix Chase

LED CHASE USING JOYSTICK LED CHASE The project intends to create a chase representing a snake and food chase game. Where we can direct the orientation using X and Y axis and increase or decrease the speed in which the animations makes the snake move by pushing or pulling in the same direction.

Security key

This project remakes simply key passcode for the door locks. You should type the correct password and the lock will open. If entered the wrong password 5 times,  it will give an Alarm sound. Then have to press the # button to reset the password. Main code

Locked door!

Concept This project aims to represent smart door locking system, using RFID control and a Servo motor. Process As the first step, RFID was connected to Arduino uno board through the breadboard, Added MFRC522 Library to Arduino and used Dumpinfo example from this library to detect the card’s UID. In next step, Buzzer and two … Read more

Self-defense weapon system 

Using the SONAR sensor as the main detector . But the default range of the sensor is too small (15 degrees only), so adding a SERVO which controls by a JOYSTICK can allow the system to have more coverage area. If something (enemy) is approaching a certain distance, the SONAR sensor will turn on a … Read more

Monitoring Soil Moisture Level

Abstract The concept behind this simple prototype is to monitor the level of soil moisture, making use of a sensor to be inserted into the soil that will then monitor it. In the situation where the hydration is poor an input will be sent to a buzzer, which will produce an acustic signal, highlighting the … Read more

Water tank level sensor

Concept: Working principal of water level sensor: The working principle of the water level sensor is that when it is put into a certain depth in the liquid to be measured, the pressure on the sensor’s front surface is converted into the liquid level height. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: Schematic diagram: Code: Setup:

Radar and Sorting Crane

UltraSonic and Servo Object detection and sorting CONCEPT Detection of position of objects and using information for sorting using crane mechanism. WORKING OF MECHANISM Servo moves the ultrasonic sensor to detect objects the information is used to control the arms of the crane using the Analog joysticks to move the arms and reach the objects … Read more


Concept The project’s goal is to create a tensile shaded seating arrangement in which the tensile member bends to provide shade below depending on whether someone is seated there and whether it is day or night. Workflow A cable that is being tugged by a servo motor causes the tensile member to bend. And two … Read more


Sunfollower is a project inspired by the movement of sunflowers.  Solar panels are normally positioned towards the cardinal point with the greatest solar incidence, but throughout the day a lot of energy is lost by this fixed positioning. The idea is to create a public installation, a mixture of a public lamppost, with benches where … Read more

UltraSonic For Vehicle Parking

Concept Creating a circuit based on operating principle of distance detection and on the usage and applications of ultrasonic sensors in PAS (parking assist) applications. Workflow Using an ultrasonic sensor as in input which measures the distance to obstacles (walls, etc.) and reports their proximity to the driver. PAS basic operation Pulse signals are transmitted, … Read more

Interactive LEDs

Concept: Interactive LEDs is a prototype for a wall that utilizes Ultrasonic sensors and Sound modules from Arduino to create a responsive light installation that allows individuals to interact and engage with it. Sound modules constantly check for any type of sound variation and as soon as an individual make one near the wall, ultrasonic … Read more