The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.

Barcelona Program

Block Classification This project aims to classify urban blocks in Barcelona, focusing on the districts of Saint Martí and Eixample, based on their dominant functions. By identifying the primary uses of these urban blocks, we can gain insights into the spatial organization and functional distribution within the research area. Saint Martí and Eixample, two vibrant … Read more

Predictive Coastal Erosion

Why? Coastal erosion is a dynamic and complex process influenced by both natural factors and human activities. Natural causes such as wave action, tidal patterns, weather events, and rising sea levels due to global warming significantly contribute to the gradual wearing away of coastlines. Additionally, human interventions like coastal construction, sand mining, and deforestation exacerbate … Read more


Studying migration is crucial for urban planners and architects to anticipate and accommodate the influx of people into cities, ensuring the development of robust infrastructure that can support this growth. As migration patterns shape demographic changes, understanding these trends allows cities to plan for adequate housing, transportation, healthcare, and educational facilities. This foresight is essential … Read more

Temperature prediction in Argentina

Insights into the effects of weather data in Argentina, with implications for sustainable land management, deforestation and conservation policies, agriculture, industry and economies. Climate change, in particular the decrease in precipitation, is predicted to have significant effects on the living conditions in Argentina, affecting agricultural production, sea level rise, hydroelectric energy. The dataset composition consists … Read more