The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.



AS6 COMPLEX FORMING Design Concept and Computational Design System “Project HOPE ” emphasizes rehabilitation over punishment by creating therapeutic environments by Hierarchy levels. Computational Design System: Parametric tools to simulate and optimize layouts. Algorithms for spatial relationships, light studies, and environmental analysis. Goals: Humanize: Design spaces that prioritize mental well-being. Environments: Incorporate therapeutic architecture, recreation, … Read more

NeoCapsules: modular living design

NeoCapsules Residence: A Vision for Modern Family Living NeoCapsules, an innovative residential complex inspired by the Nakagin Tower concept, offers a dynamic and adaptable living environment that seamlessly integrates sustainability with an urban lifestyle. This innovative approach fosters growth, flexibility, and community interaction, making it more than just a building, it’s a vibrant ecosystem for … Read more

The Energy Behind Your Data

Abstract By the year 2025, there will be 200+ zettabytes of data in cloud storage. The servers handling this cloud storage space live in data centers. Since we live in the era of data, demand is surging, in fact, a 50% growth is expected by 2030. Data centers are energy consuming monsters, hence their lifecycle … Read more


DATA CENTER: A BOTTOM-UP APPROACH WITH MODULAR AGGREGATION Data creation is exploding. With all the selfies and useless files people refuse to delete on the cloud, by the year 2025, there will be 200+ zettabytes of data in cloud storage. This explosion of data triggers the industry to streamline data management, security and storage, raising … Read more

The Perch – A Generative Building Typology

Introduction In our studio project, we use a combined bottom up and top down approach to develop a mixed use building; designed to integrate multiple functions, including residential, recreational, and commercial, within a single structure. Our goal is to feature a flexible layout, using modular construction techniques and clear circulation patterns, with well-designed junctions. Programmatic … Read more

MakerHub – A Discrete Aggregation Recipe for Creative Industry Spaces

Strategy // Bottom-up Industrial High-rise 4. Adaptability to Change evolving needs or technological advancements, and allows for easy upgrading or replacement of capsules 3. Prefabrication & Mass Production Prefabrication and standardization. 2. Central Core Structure The capsules are connected to a central core  the building can grow or contract in response to societal changes 1. Modular … Read more

Deconstructing Alcatraz

1. Design Concept and computational Design System Obsolete typology Interpretation Deconstruction    Understanding the current prisons as punitive institutions that fail to rehabilitate but imprison inmates without offering social inclusion solutions increases the risk of recidivism.     Deconstructing Alcatraz proposes an alternative to this typological lack through its own reconstruction. In a VR environment the proposal consists … Read more

Landscape of Consequence

Semi Aerial View

The Architecture of Second Chances Transforming Punishment into Progress Through Computational Design In the evolving discourse of criminal justice reform, the intersection of architecture, technology, and rehabilitation presents unprecedented opportunities to reimagine how we approach incarceration. Our project, “Landscape of Consequence,” proposes a radical reconceptualization of Alcatraz Island, transforming this symbol of isolation into a … Read more

Re (Form) Reality // ITERUM

The Context The prisoner’s journey is an emotional and psychological transformation. The spaces inhabited during this process are designed to mirror the evolving state of mind, fostering introspection and awareness.Architecture becomes a tools to reflect the prisoner’s internal experiences, guiding them through stages of self-realization: as the prisoners confront these emotions within the space, they … Read more

PRIZORB  – Complex Forming

Brief Create a concept for a virtual reality (VR) prison where inmates serve sentences within a modified VR simulation of Alcatraz Island, located in California. Your design reimagines the island prison typology, a longstanding method of separating prisoners into a distinct, isolated space. Although traditional prisons emphasized isolation from society, modern incarceration aims to foster … Read more

Alcatraz under the Sea

Project Brief The Utopian submerged citySome submerged cities are envisioned as utopian societies, thriving under the sea with advanced technology and new ways of living, creating an ideal or harmonious civilization far removed from the troubles of the land-based world.In contrast, others are depicted as dystopian settings, where the survivors of a collapsed society are … Read more

The Re-iterating Maze

The Re-Iterating Maze helps inmates at Alcatraz develop meditative practices through rehabilitation, using their sentence to make a more peaceful existence possible. Our concept allows prisoners a mindful form of exercise, allowing them to use their time outdoors exploring multidimensional pathways. Mindful walking encourages the brain to focus on the activity of traversing a determined path. By … Read more


* whatisheterotopia? /ˌhɛtəroʊˈtoʊpiə/ noun “The cemetery, as a space of the living and the dead, is a classic example of a heterotopia.” 2.Architecture: A site or design that challenges traditional notions of spatial organization, inviting multiple interpretations and experiences. “The urban park became a heterotopia, a sanctuary from the city’s chaos yet deeply rooted within … Read more


Abstract Prisons are constrained by tangible realities – static physical forms, high-density layouts, lack of amenity and limited access to natural spaces. These constraints are typically a result of inflexible systems and rigid hierarchies with high oversight to keep prisoner behaviour in check, but result in the need for efficient use of space and cost-effectiveness. … Read more

Climate Sensitive Facade Intervention for Urban Heat Island Mitigation

Research Questions: Can climate sensitive facade interventions reduce the intensity of the Urban Heat Island effect within urban blocks in arid climates?“ Research Goal: The goal is to propose simplified, climate-sensitive facade interventions in highly urbanized cities that reduce energy loads by mitigating Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects, while complying with climate-resilient regulations. These interventions … Read more

Democratizing Design

Abstract As we advance into the 21st century, addressing the global housing crisis becomes imperative. By 2025, approximately 1.6 billion people will lack adequate housing, necessitating the construction of 96,000 affordable homes daily to meet the demand of 3 billion people by 2030 (Masterson, 2022). Urban areas, which now host over 50% of the world’s … Read more

Thermal Insight: Optimizing Indoor Analysis

Thermal Insight would be a standalone app that optimizes indoor environments by predicting thermal comfort. With simulations from trained models to help enhance occupant comfort and energy efficiency, evaluating metrics like PMV, PPD, and MRT. This tool would help improve well-being and productivity while achieving efficiency goals. Abstract Methodology Use Case Data Analysis Results and … Read more

Skin Sense

Skin Sense is a project that aims to help users optimize the thermal comfort of their interior spaces by applying skin shaders. Why implement this? What can skin sense help the user with? Once the designer designs the skin for the building facade it has to be analyzed for indoor comfort. To analyze indoor comfort … Read more


3d Component Classification tool

Abstract 3D-SOLIDS Component Classification tool utilizes machine learning to optimize the placement of essential 3D components such as walls, doors, windows, floors, and railings in residential floor plans. By analyzing spatial features and architectural attributes, it automates and enhances the design process, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and compliance with building standards. This tool aids architects and … Read more

Subterranean Eden: Martian Harvest Halls

“An innovative way for agriculture on Mars, pushing boundaries of space exploration ensuring future interplanetary habitation.” Mars—the Red Planet—is getting closer. According to the experts, human settlements on Mars might be visible in ten years, allowing for more space exploration. Keeping that in mind, this semester’s goal is to create a 300-person Mars colony. The … Read more

MarSensate: Collaborative Workflows

Introduction Marsensate is a project based on our Studio course where we explore designing on Mars in order to habit a Marsian colony. The primary goal of our colony was based around Sprituality, to provide a more human environment that appeal to everyone, regardless of their beliefs, genders, preferences, and we focused on the aspect … Read more

Martian Aggreculture

The Martian Aggreculture project envisions a food production facility for the first colony on Mars. Our combinatorial modelling approach is data driven – flowing from the demands of the program and the realities of building on Mars into our aggregated architecture to provide a decentralized and resilient food production facility. Colonization at the Aggreculture site … Read more

Solis Centrum – the Sun Center of Aleph City

Project Brief Solis Centrum is a project for the BIMSC Studio class within the 2023/24 MaCAD program. This project aims to represent the solar center of the Aleph City community, a conceptual community on Mars located on the Valles Marines. Mission Statement Solis Centrum aims to represent the solar center of the Aleph City community. … Read more

Cosmos Cultivated: Cultivating Collaboration and Automating Workflows

Project Concept: The Mars Subtractive Sanctuary Village hosts vertical farming beneath, with circulation acting as a canopy. Sunlight delicately filters through, embracing the celestial surroundings and crafting a breathtaking habitat on the Martian surface. The project’s primary goal is to provide food for 50 Martian settlers using a plant-based diet.  Program and Adaptation Approach: Comprehensive … Read more