The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.


The 15-min Cityblock @ Adelaide City

The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide(South Australia), initiated in 2010, aimed to shift away from urban sprawl by fostering a more condensed, pedestrian-friendly urban landscape. The plan emphasised revitalising current neighbourhoods, focusing development along transit routes, and introducing mixed-use areas to connect jobs, services, and public transit with residential zones.  Recognising the unsustainable nature of … Read more


A Self-Reflection on AI’s  Replication and Innovation in Architecture Our group explores the topic of AI-chitect, a self reflection on AI’s replication and innovation in architecture. The proposal is to initialise Vitruvius’ De Architectura using RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) and set the volume of text as a knowledge base from which our journey as the AI-chitect … Read more

Rental Price Predictor – Amsterdam

Introduction Accurate prediction of rental prices poses a significant challenge in dynamic real estate markets such as Amsterdam. Our research project explores the use of graph-based machine learning to improve the accuracy of such predictions. This methodology could be of interest to various actors in the real estate sector, including brokers, investors, and urban planners. … Read more

Predictive Coastal Erosion

Why? Coastal erosion is a dynamic and complex process influenced by both natural factors and human activities. Natural causes such as wave action, tidal patterns, weather events, and rising sea levels due to global warming significantly contribute to the gradual wearing away of coastlines. Additionally, human interventions like coastal construction, sand mining, and deforestation exacerbate … Read more

Chair ErgoScore

We have 2 target approaches : In the first approach we Test some of the relevant human Anthropometric measurements with a chair parameters and predict the Ergo Class. The second approach is to input the Human Anthropometric measurements with the desired Ergo Class and predict a range of chair parameters matching this Ergo Class. For … Read more

AI Unleashed – A Debate on the Future

In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, understanding its potential and risks is crucial. To explore these dimensions, we staged a fictitious debate featuring three contrasting AI agents. This debate delves into the ethical implications, societal benefits, and possible downsides of an advancing AI era. Project Overview This project staged a fictitious … Read more

Daylight Factor Predictor

This project is the final submission for our Data Encoding course, where we learned the fundamentals of Machine Learning. For this project, we were required to use only numerical features, meaning all training data for our Machine Learning model had to be in numerical form. This involved encoding architectural and spatial features into numbers. “Daylight … Read more


Concept In a world where urban areas are predominantly developed and the heat island effect is intensifying, the construction industry significantly contributes to environmental challenges. Instead of focusing on tools that promote new construction, our goal is to provide a tool that analyzes existing buildings and suggests improvements. This approach aims to enhance sustainability and … Read more


Studying migration is crucial for urban planners and architects to anticipate and accommodate the influx of people into cities, ensuring the development of robust infrastructure that can support this growth. As migration patterns shape demographic changes, understanding these trends allows cities to plan for adequate housing, transportation, healthcare, and educational facilities. This foresight is essential … Read more


The LegoLizer Vision The core idea behind LegoLizer is to train a machine learning model that can predict and evaluate the use of specific modules to achieve a certain geometry.In this exercise, we use LEGO modules to train and predict on our features. This project leverages the power of computational design and machine learning to … Read more


3d Component Classification tool

Abstract 3D-SOLIDS Component Classification tool utilizes machine learning to optimize the placement of essential 3D components such as walls, doors, windows, floors, and railings in residential floor plans. By analyzing spatial features and architectural attributes, it automates and enhances the design process, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and compliance with building standards. This tool aids architects and … Read more

Real-time Daylighting Performance for Adaptive Reuse Planning

This project aimed to develop a daylight predictor to facilitate and generate well-informed adaptive reuse projects, with a specific focus on providing sustainable design solutions for low-income housing. Los Angeles (LA) was selected as a case study due to its proactive open data initiatives and commitment to adaptive reuse. This proposal provides a snapshot of … Read more

Predicting Adaptive Reuse Cost using Urban Data

Adaptive reuse is gaining traction as a key strategy for urban regeneration and sustainability. This approach repurposes existing buildings, conserving resources and preserving cultural heritage. However, challenges such as economic viability and technical difficulties often complicate these projects. This is particularly evident in urban centers such as Los Angeles, where the re-purposing of heritage buildings … Read more

Spatial Analysis of Airbnb Real Estate

Our goal was to predict the relationship between the tourist activity zones and the airbnb rentals. Tourism is vital to Spain’s economic growth, with Barcelona as a key contributor, accounting for over 12% of the country’s GDP. TOURIST ANALYSIS AND DATA Tourist spots and zones can be broadly classified to tourist amenities – transits, bus … Read more

Dataset Our database contains more than 181,000 rows, each with comprehensive information. The primary database includes 17 variables, though not all are necessary for our analysis. The most crucial data points are location (latitude and longitude), type of food establishment, type of inspection, inspection results, and risk level. As the person who uploaded the database … Read more