During the Master in City & Technology + Thesis Project, students have the unique opportunity to work for an additional time of 9 months on an Individual Thesis Project, focused on the development of one research or pilot project based on the student’s interest. IAAC supports the student in selecting their Thesis Project topic in order to better orient them according to their future career interests and opportunities. Each student is assigned one or more Thesis Advisors that follow the development of the work throughout the year.


Living In Crisis

This study proposes a conceptual framework for examining contemporary housing conditions through the lens of 21st-century urbanism. Drawing from a selection of influential texts, it systematically identifies and synthesizes key theoretical concepts into a set of recurring idea clusters. These clusters are then distilled into concise statements that illuminate core issues shaping the current housing … Read more


Frist Research Mebolsim What is Metabolism? Building of Metabolsim Masterplan of Metabolism Comaprison, Masterplan Tokyo by Kenzo Tange vs Comptemporary Tokyo Comaprison1 Theory Comaprison2 City Plan Comparison3 Area plan Comparison4Building Comaprison Conclusion

Dystopia of Digital Dominance

“Blade Runner” is a poignant illustration of how urban landscapes could be transformed in a post-industrial world, shaped by technological dominance and environmental decay. Created within a society grappling with the implications of synthetic life and corporate control, the film vividly portrays a version of Los Angeles. Re-envisioned through the context of speculative theories about … Read more

Rethinking Urban Vocabulary

The seminar involved analyzing texts to extract and interpret a key term, then creatively visualizing this concept through the blending of urban textures and landscapes, crafting surreal cityscapes that reflect the nuanced meanings of these terms. The texts explored the themes of: Urban Resilience Definition: The capacity of urban areas to adapt to crises, focusing … Read more