The Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) seeks to train a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals who are capable of facing our growing need for a more sustainable and optimised construction ecosystem. The Master is focused on the emerging design and market opportunities arising from novel robotic and advanced manufacturing systems.

Through a mixture of seminars, workshops, and studio projects, the master programme challenges the traditional processes in the Construction Sector. It investigates how advances in robotics and digital fabrication tools change the way we build and develop processes and design tools for such new production methods.


Emotion Reader: Responsive art Installation

Introduction In the realm of architecture and art, installations serve as powerful mediums to explore the intersection of technology, human emotion, and design. Our project reimagines the relationship between viewers and spaces by creating an interactive structure that reacts dynamically to human presence and emotions. Combining hardware, software, and creative ingenuity, we designed a responsive … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Spill _ FLOWPRESS

Introduction This seminar invites students to explore making custom made spillers controlled by Arduino and a 6-axes robotic arm in order to paint spills on canvas with black acrylic paint. Context   Recently we have clearly observed immense changes in production, prototyping, and innovation that has been influenced by open source software, firmware and hardware. Human … Read more

FLOWPRESS – Creating Patterns with Parameters

Introduction This seminar invites students to explore making custom made spillers controlled by Arduino and a 6-axes robotic arm in order to paint spills on canvas with black acrylic paint. Context   Recently we have clearly observed immense changes in production, prototyping, and innovation that has been influenced by open source software, firmware and hardware. Human … Read more


#Feelit context Aim: Experiencing the news in a different way , To make you feel by making you experience the news with physical sensations and enhanced visual effects. it’s a comment on human desensitization.  POTENTIAL APPLICATION AND USERS OVERALL WORKFLOW Software UNREAL ENGINE Unreal was used to create the environment of the AR experience , … Read more


The objective of this project is to expand the capabilities of specific robotic processes in additive manufacturing, known as impact printing, Impact Printing, a novel additive manufacturing  Robotic technique that consolidates pliable soft particles through a robotic shooting process. The cohesion among these soft particles arises from the conversion of kinetic energy, acquired during acceleration, … Read more