
To develop resilient, adaptable, and sustainable building envelopes that integrate active and passive design strategies, utilizing advanced ecological materials and systems to optimize energy efficiency, recyclability, and environmental responsiveness throughout their lifecycle.


Case Studies

Wind & Sun Path Analysis

Solar Radiation Diagram

Envelope Layer : Roof Pergolas

Design Intent :

  • Provide shade
  • Create social gathering space
  • Support solar panels
  • Extensive green landscape
  • Thermal comfort

Our pergolas were thought to be built by reutilizing planks from the prefabrication facility that did not pass the quality control phase. This is an allusion to the spanish chiringuitos, that were mainly built at the cost with planks that were washed ashore by the ocean.

Pergola with Solar Panels Detail

Envelope Layer : Green Spaces

Design Intent :

  • Reintroduce natural local habitats and bio-diversity by using native flora into the fabric.
  • Provide shade and thermal comfort
  • Improve social spaces and aesthetics
  • Redefining the ethos of factory design

Green Wall : Steel rope trellis system detail

Native Landscaping Species

Envelope Layer : Residential Fins

Design Intent :

  • Provide shade
  • Thermal comfort
  • Provide privacy
  • Vertical design language
  • Double layer
  • Multi-functional (internal operational sliding doors)

Residential Section Detail : Facade with sliding door

Envelope Layer : Office and Factory Fins

Design Intent :

  • Provide shade
  • Thermal comfort
  • Provide privacy
  • Vertical design language
  • Double layer
  • Multi-functional (internal operational louvers)
  • Composite ceramic – wood fin
Factory Section Detail

Sectional Axonometric, Factory Facade Fin – Exploded Detail

Factory Facade Fin – Exploded Detail Diagram

Material Palette

Colour Palette

Back Facade, Colour Palette

Physical Model

Final Render