Proyecto ubicado en el municipio de Zumpango, en el Estado de México, México. En la periferia de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México en la parte norte de la ciudad, además de pertenecer al sistema hídrico de lo que fue el lago de Texcoco, lugar donde fue fundada México-Tenochtitlan, que? fue la capital … Read more

Territorios reactivos

Territorios reactivos refiere a la activación del territorio como respuesta a la provocación de la rehabilitación de parte de la infraestructura ferroviaria histórica de Uruguay. Esta responde a la demanda de una empresa multinacional del sector forestal para el traslado de su producción de celulosa desde Paso de los Toros al puerto de Montevideo.  Esta … Read more


Ciudades urbana y humanamente digeribles Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A El enfoque anteriormente abordado se centraba en la ecología y el cambio climático, exponiendo la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango. Se identificaban los procesos alimentarios a través de la industria y cómo estas dinámicas contribuyen a la creación de ciudades y ciudadanos enfermos. Además, se … Read more


REPROGRAMANDO EL BORDE ¿Cómo imaginar una América sin fronteras? ¿Una América sin límites?   Hace ya unos 50.000 años esto era posible, cuando cruzaron el estrecho de Bering los primeros migrantes de Asía a América, consolidándose en lo que hoy es Centro América, hace unos 21.000 Años, llegando a territorios Tachirenses y Nortesantandereanos hace 20.000 años … Read more

Territorios Fractales

Estudios del agua como definidor en un modelo de ciudad simbiótico. El Lago de Tacarigua, un cuerpo de agua de carácter endorreico ubicado en la región de la Cordillera de la Costa en Venezuela. Alrededor del lago se han asentado varias ciudades que forman una conurbación sistemática con una de las mayores influencias socio-económicas del … Read more

Punta Vagno

Punta Vagno! was developed by Kriti Bhavesh Nirmal, Maddalena Caviglia, Noé Guérin, Sophie Köcher-Schulz, Maria Augusta Kroetz, Étienne Lajoie-Asselin, Joshua Mingers, Marta Pianta, with the support of trainers from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, the University of Genoa and ALDA, during the Green Skills for Cities … Read more

Kniphofia Community Amphitheater

Manifesto “ This proposal aims to envision and promote the establishment of inclusive public spaces in these densely inhabited regions where leisure opportunities are presently limited in Cape Town, our proposition strives to embrace and empower these marginalized communities, cultivating a sense of belonging and furnishing public spaces for recreation and social cohesion.” Location Territorial … Read more

Genetic Optimization

Genetic Optimization – Aquasun Oasis AquaSun Oasis is a continuation proposal for the digital matters research studio project which focuses on rainwater purification through biodegradable materials. The design of the form is based on rainwater collection and renewable solar energy while providing shade to the surroundings. The is to create a sustainable solution to conserve … Read more



SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR CIRCULAR CO-PRODUCTION OF ECOLOGICAL SERVICES. GREENWAVE was developed by Ben Bello, Can Xu, Erum Khaled, Manuel Beca, Lucia Mack, Parshav Sheth, Zerihun Tassano, with the support of trainers from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, the University of Genoa and ALDA, during the Green … Read more

Wildlife Museum

life Through a morphological analysis, the site vividly portrayed its lines, structure and life giving me a clear direction of how i can delicately land on it with a sustainable life museum. The existing context made me aware that the structure should occupy a minimal area on ground level in order to preserve exisiting natural … Read more

Naturaleza +

Devolviéndole la Naturaleza a la ciudad. Durante el desarrollo de Taller 1 se había planteado la problemática de manera clara: La planificación urbana que no tiene en cuenta los servicios ecosistémicos consolida la desigualdad espacial y económica, profundiza la pobreza, disminuye la calidad de vida de personas y otras especies y degrada el suelo, el … Read more

ASU 500 | Prototipos Eco-socioespaciales

El Centro Histórico de Asunción atraviesa hace más de 15 años un proceso de deterioro crónico. A su vez es el área de la ciudad que contiene al mayor porcentaje de patrimonio edilicio histórico y arquitectónico y también a los edificios institucionales del gobierno. En el año 2037, la ciudad estará cumpliendo 500 años desde … Read more

Mars Medical Center

Introduction For the BIMSC studio project, the class designed a human colony initially capable of accommodating 50 inhabitants, with the potential to expand to 300 inhabitants. Working together, the class settled on the Jezero Crater as the site for the colony and developed a masterplan consisting of thirteen distinct zones. Each group selected one zone … Read more

DZONGHA | Urban Interventions

The Site chosen is Paro, Bhutan is a place of rich culture, high environmental values, and beautiful nature. For the design of a place to learn and exchange traditional handicraft techniques and knowledge, our building follows design values to enhance the space by efficient, environmentally-sound choices. In the first layer of design, we studied and … Read more


REIMAGINING WATER TREATMENT INFRASTRUCTURE THROUGH BIO-BASED SOLUTIONS PROJECT OVERVIEW WATER STRESS Due to the climate change, inefficient irrigation systems for agriculture, population growth and inefficient water infrastructure, the water stress in the world is increasing. But we question ourselves if water is really a scarce resource or is it just the issue of how the … Read more

Design with Nature – Ian McHarg

Design with Nature by Ian McHarg is a seminal book published in 1969 that revolutionized the field of landscape architecture and urban planning. The book argues that the natural environment should be the primary consideration in any design process, and that the best designs are those that work with, rather than against, nature. McHarg begins … Read more

MEDITERRANEAN | Urban Intervention

This project was designed embarking on a vision to create a city that embodies sustainability, organic density, decentralization, multipolarity, complexity, transversality, liveliness, resilience, inclusivity, diversity, mixed-use, beauty, biodiversity, cohesion, safety, health, accessibility, and support for an active life and a city of care – all with people at the centre rather than technology or economics. … Read more

THE NEST | Urban Intervention

The design began with the process of understanding the culture, the climate and the people of Accra, Ghana. The design is based in a tropical climate where the temperatures and the humidity are high. This design was then set in a Metaversal city that was a culmination of 6 sites from different regions of the … Read more

Tabrizian Tapestry: Metabolic Systems Water

Rated under the World Water Pressure Map, Iran has an extremely high risk level of water stress assessment and the ratio of withdrawls to supply in a 2040 forecast. For our building Tabrizian Tapestry, we have created the following study and water management assessment through the following strategies: 1. CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS: Through subsurface flow constructed … Read more

BUILDINGS WITHOUT ARCHITECTS: A Global Guide to Everyday Architecture by John May | Ecological Thinking

This blog is a review of the book, Buildings without Architects: A Global Guide to Everyday Architecture by John May. The book is a culmination of 60+ different styles of vernacular architecture ranging from different materials and different regions of the world. “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” – … Read more

DELIRIOUS NEW YORK: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan by Rem Koolhaas | Ecological Thinking II

This blog is a review of the book “Delirious New York” written by Rem Koolhaas. “The future is no longer about power, but about bandwidth.” Rem Koolhas Rem Koolhaas wrote a novel titled “Delirious New York” that outlines the evolution and background of Manhattan’s design and urbanism. Koolhaas wrote this book because he desired to … Read more


El proceso que se viene desarrollando con el titulo de Paisajes Anfibios se acotó en una porción del territorio de la Ciudad de Cartagena más delimitada, cuya circunscripción viene dada por unos puntos de prolongación de las áreas de inundación y de unas infraestructuras que requieren transformación. Es sabido que mientras van pasando los años … Read more