Rising Waters

The year is 2100. Latin America is sinking. Due to global warming the polar icecaps have almost melted completely. In addition the increased temperature has caused the global water mass to expand by almost 1%. As a consequence sea levels are rising at unprecedented levels globally. The coastline in South America is hard-hit by these … Read more

VIDA Y MUERTE DE CIUDADES MINERAS.Estrategias territoriales para una nueva imagen del Cerro de Pasco, Perú – 2045

El inminente fin de todo proceso extractivo plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro incierto de la ciudad y/o contexto socio urbano en el cual se ha emplazado o que ha generado. Por lo general, las operaciones mineras están intrínsicamente ligadas a la degradación y desterritorialización de los sistemas naturales, como también, a la violación de los … Read more

MEJORAMIENTO DE BARRIOS PRECARIOS 2.0: De la legalización y las infraestructuras al desarrollo económico y social

Hablar de barrios y asentamientos precarios es hablar de segregación. Aunque suele considerarse como un factor que afecta exclusivamente el campo urbanístico y espacial, es necesario considerar la segregación como una condición multidimensional para entender la complejidad de los fenómenos de marginalidad que afectan estos entornos y las soluciones para revertirla en campos como: El … Read more

PEXEL: Exploring parametricism through the lens of modularity.

Research Topic:How can a system of modular units embedded with the ability to connect through a combination of joineries achieve a wide range of reciprocal forms, flexibility in design, and a simplified construction process? Keywords: design flexibility, reciprocal structures, interlocking joineries, efficient construction, modularity.The tectonics of parametric architecture using timber primarily stem from two processes: … Read more

Sistema Público de Cuidados

Sistema público de cuidados

CRISIS MUNDIAL DE LOS CUIDADOS Derivado del contexto de la emergencia sanitaria mundial por el COVID-19, diversas organizaciones mundiales alertaron una emergencia global de los cuidados, en especial la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres advirtió sobre el impacto diferenciado que la crisis socioeconómica tendría en las mujeres y expuso un fuerte impacto en la sobrecarga de … Read more

Alfafa Colony: BIM & Smart Construction

Project Concept Establishing a Martian food colony around a Mohole, designed based on growth morphology of alfalfa for efficient organization and development using L-systems. These terminologies are further explained below. Moholes Moholes on Mars are massive cylindrical excavations in the regolith, reaching up to 1 km in diameter and 7 km in depth. With temperatures … Read more


Tackling the Internet of People through Fortifying & Diversifying the economy in Viladecans, Spain Introduction Viladecans is a dynamic and thriving municipality with a rich history, diverse economy, and vibrant community life. Its strategic location, economic opportunities, and quality of life make it an attractive place to live, work, and visit in the Barcelona metropolitan … Read more

“Parque de la Autoconstrucción para la Paz en ciudad de San José de Costa Rica. “

“Architecture is Not the Knowledge of Form but a Form of Knowledge.” -TSCHUMI Antes de iniciar en el difícil talento de puntualizar, me veo obligado a preceder una serie de importantes aspectos. Explico lo que explicaré. El presente texto, ilustra una serie de pequeñas intervenciones para el manejo de residuos sólidos urbanos y exploración de … Read more

Ant Hill Colony – Collaborative Workflow

Our collaborative workflow started through identifying our site location on the federate model which at the beginning, to align with our supporting program “Spiritual,” we chose our site at the top of the hill, where we can explore both elevation and subtractive models. Here is our early collaborative process workplan where we envision that our … Read more

Cosmos Cultivated

Building Agricultural Abundance on Mars The Mars underground sanctuary residential complex envelops vertical farming beneath its protective skin and 3D-printed wall system, where sunlight delicately filters through, embracing the celestial surroundings and meticulously crafting a breathtaking habitat on the Martian surface. 01_design concept & reference The initial endeavor aimed to pioneer the voxel settlement concept, … Read more

Integrative Ant Hill Colony

Our group project is Ant Hill Colony on Mars, which has both above/below ground elements and underground heart, tunnels and pods. The project concept derived from “learning from ant colony,” therefore, the geometry shapes were more organic and natural. Originally, we recreated this by starting with LiDAR technology to identify the soil characteristics, then applying … Read more

Red de Sistemas de Circuitos Terapéuticos para la Movilidad Autónoma

Como una de las estrategias de Intervención de los Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos. “Red de circuitos de Espacios Accesibles Universales Autónomos, para la recuperación de Espacios Públicos en la comuna de La Florida, Chile” ¿Qué pueden aportar para la recuperación de los espacios públicos, las personas que se les denomina con Movilidad Reducida o con … Read more

VeloVerd La Verneda: Urban Synthesis

Incorporating the principles of Industry 4.0, our architectural project redefines urban living by seamlessly integrating sustainable design strategies with advanced manufacturing techniques. With a focus on promoting bicycle culture and health, our industry manufactures bikes. In this module, we synthesised the previous modules into a holistic design. The design principles from thermodynamics, exosystemic structures, metabolic … Read more


In the world of home improvement, painting is a powerful way to transform any space. Yet, the journey from envisioning to executing a painting project can be filled with uncertainty—from choosing the right colors to calculating costs and materials needed. This is where VirtuPaint comes into play, simplifying the planning process with precision and creativity. … Read more

Estrategias de Resiliencia Hídrica (Zona Metropolitana Tijuana, Mx)

Fuente propia

Como dice el dicho: “Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr”pero… habrá que marcar una diferencia en el “¿cómo la bebemos (usamos)?¿cómo la dejamos correr (regresamos) de manera adecuada?” En una región metropolitana ubicada entre las ciudades espejo de Tijuana y San Diego, se manifiesta una problemática marcada por la explotación industrial de recursos … Read more


Crafting Tranquil Spaces with Acoustic Walls Within this digital realm of sound innovation, The app ” Soundscape ” provides users to craft tranquil spaces, leveraging the pivotal role of acoustic walls as the architects of tranquility. In spaces like home piano rooms, users can tailor every aspect of the acoustic landscape to create harmonious and … Read more

Genius Loci

View some of the collected data here: Street Types and Property Information Genius Loci was inspired by the work the of Sarah Williams in her book ‘Data action – Using data for public good’. In today’s data-driven world, the use of data has become increasingly pervasive, shaping various aspects of our lives from policymaking to … Read more

ReWeave 2.0

The Context Aim State Of The Art The Workflow System Architecture Robotic Cell Scanning – Robotic cell Scanning Nesting – Initial Experiments Nesting Custom logic Iteration A Nesting Custom logic Iteration B Binder – Geopolymer with alkaline activators –  Sodium silicate Binder – Geopolymer with alkaline activators –  Sodium silicate and Sodium hydroxide Binder – … Read more

Agent Simulation_Measuring Intervention Impact

Visualizing an urban simulation of free-agents affected by a specific intervention The Objective The objective of the project was to simulate the movement of people within a specific neighborhood in the city of Viladecans, Spain, and visualize the difference the movement patterns of the free agents would take prior to the intervention vs post intervention. … Read more

GrBuff – Giving Green Spaces Back

Initial Sketch Idea To develop an interface which allows users to visualize the co-relation of green spaces within the buffer zones of building design. The distance of the building from the boundaries will determine how high the built plot will be and it will suggest the number of floors and wall height dynamically on the … Read more

Espacios vacantes en la Ciudad Próxima

A partir del avance tecnológico y las nuevas formas de movilidad, la ciudad se encuentra disponibilizando espacios que quedarán vacantes en el corto, mediano y largo plazo. Ejemplos de estos son las estaciones de servicio, cajeros automáticos, garajes comerciales, shopping malls, kioscos de diarios y revistas, entre otros. Con este contexto, el interrogante que surge … Read more