Science Fiction is a literary genre known for creating future worlds that emerge as the consequence of today’s cultural and technological realities. It is in this worldbuilding -where societies, their functioning, and the dynamics that govern them are imagined- where Sci-Fi shows similarities to the disciplines of design and architecture. To explore the design possibilities within the Science Fiction genre, collagistic writing techniques—where new texts are created by cutting, mixing, and pasting excerpts from existing ones—are employed to envision a possible future for the city’s most emblematic building typology: the skyscraper.

The development of this imaginary narrative begins with two primary sources: the 1982 film “Blade Runner” and Bruce Sterling’s short description of a fictitious scenario, “The Post-Industrial Monster.” Leveraging ChatGPT as a tool, numerous combinations and variations of both resources are generated and edited to create an original narrative about a potential skyscraper and the metropolis it inhabits. Simultaneously, a database of images sourced from the film and other referenced designs is curated and later utilized alongside Midjourney to provide a visual representation of this envisioned scenario.