00 / Architectural Concept
TRAVELNA is an innovative architectural design concept merging the subscription model of services like Netflix with Airbnb’s global accommodation network, tailored for solo travelers frequently moving across major cities worldwide.

The strategy was to create a building recipe that could optimize five (5) key performance indicators.
1. Unit Efficiency Ratio.
2. Flexibility & Modularity Index.
3. Circulation Efficienty.
4. Daylight Access Ratio.
5. Energy Performance Indicator.
01 / FE Model Creation / Structural Analysis and Optimization
The creation of a beamless design, was crucial to achieve a comfortable height to depth ratio within the units, a concrete post-tension system is proposed and explored.
A / Parametrization of Structure
B / Geometry Simplification
01 / Columns
02 / Shear Walls
03 / Floors, post-tension slabs
04 / Supports

01 / Columns
02 / Shear Walls
03 / Floors, post-tension slabs
04 / Supports
C / Intersection of Structural Grid with Structural Post-tension Slabs
D / Integration of intersection of Vertical lines and Slabs

01 / Columns
02 / Shear Walls
03 / Floors, post-tension slabs
04 / Supports
E / Supports Definition
F / Definition of Structural Elements

02 / Structural Diagram / Structural Analysis and Optimization
Creation of Karamba3D
Linear Elements
a Shear Walls
b Columns

Creation of Karamba3D
Surface Elements
a Post tension floor slabs

Optimization of
Linear Elements
a Shear Walls
b Columns
Structural grid size

Optimization of
Exploration and selection w/ Galapagos of
a Height
b Upper W / Flange
c Lower W / Flange
d Upper T / Flange
e Lower T / Flange
f S Wall T