The advanced technology seminar will focus on ROS manipulator workflows using Moveit and UR10e.
The seminar will cover how to set up and use Moveit, covering the creation of the necessary robot and motion planning configuration files. The python interface will be used to create, plan and execute motion plans as well interfacing with the planning scene.
Simultaneously the seminar will introduce students to development workflows using a containerised development environment.
During this seminar students should develop a project (individually or in group), building on the workflows demonstrated during the course. It is recommended where applicable to use the seminar as a testing ground for workflows required for the studio project.
Learning Objectives
During the course of the seminar students will be introduced to:
- Moveit setup and configuration: Moveit Setup assistant, URDF, moveit config
- Moveit Python interface: Moveit Commander
- Introduction to the different motion planners available in moveit
- Pilz Industrial Robot Motion
- Software development in a containerised environment using Docker and Git

Photo Credits: ROS-I, Picknick Robotics.