During the Internet of Building studio we developed a strategy of predicting the typologies of buildings in New Delhi, India by data, using algorithmic approaches as KMEANS, DBSCAN and PCA aswell a a heuristig rule-set. The objective of this project is to predict if a building in New Delhi is part of a formal settlement or “housing project” or not, predicting the probability aswell as trying to cluster them into specific housing projects, – using geometrical features only.

The projects aims at two outputs:

First a more generic approach examines if building typologies can be estimated by geometrical features.

Secondly, a more specific approach tries to assign the buildings to specific housing projects bei geometrical features only.


Geometrical parameters:

  1. Area of the polygons . Larger buildings or housing projects may be represented by larger polygons
  2. Outer Circle Area – Inner Circle Area
  3. Anisotropicity
  4. Perimeter-to-Area Ratio
  5. Orientation
  6. Polygon Density based on Distance
  7. Circularity Ratio – Regularity of a building shape
  8. Elongation – how much a polygon deviates from being perfectly equilateral or regular
  9. Compactness – similar to Perimeter-to-Area Ratio
  10. Aspect Ratio
  11. Rectangularity
  12. Solidity
  13. Street Network – Using the fractality of the nearby street network as indicator
  14. Convexity Ratio

Substraction: Outer Circle Area – Inner Circle Area


The ratio of the minimum to maximum axis lengths of an ellipse that encloses the feature. Close to 1 for near-circular (isotropic) features Close to 0 for highly elongated (anisotropic) features

Anisotropy, New Delhi

Street Network – Intersections, Avg. Street Lenght, Total Street Length

Using the fractality of the nearby street network collected by buffers as indicator for housing formality.

Building Density


A DBSCAN clustering algorithm was applied firstly as unsupervised approach, a probability if a building is part of a formal housing project was predicted with an semisupervised approach and manually labeled buildings used as training set.

Predicted Probabilities

As last step, a second training set has been included to predict which buildings might form a specific housing project.

Predicted housing project cluster