Global technology evolves rapidly, unprecedented in human history. This progress significantly enhances lives but at a considerable cost, marked by escalating global temperatures and the looming threat of extinction. Ongoing research aims to mitigate these adverse effects through diverse strategies.The building sector contributes about 47% of global carbon emissions. Architects, integral to this industry, must grasp the building lifecycle to address its deficiencies effectively. Examining material standardization, the architectural concept of the Domino system by Le Corbusier exemplifies this pursuit. It symbolized both standardization and the utilization of concrete during the industrial era to create modular systems.

Our research explores substituting high-carbon embodied conventional materials with natural alternatives. It delves into how modern technologies using digital fabrication can rectify the limitations of using natural materials in medium-rise buildings. Additionally, it proposes a hybrid method involving natural materials to diminish carbon footprints and foster a circular approach to a building’s life cycle

Detailed research was done on the material properties of natural materials as well as regarding the digital fabrication techniques that have been incorporated to overcome the shortcomings any natural material would have when applied to larger scale.

The study investigates the structural and longevity characteristics of various materials, aiming to examine the design tangent in the standardization process to reduce the overall carbon footprint. Materials with inherent structural limitations, such as mycelium and mud, are augmented through necessary digital fabrication and integrated with other materials.

MATRIX 01- Timber/Industrial Bamboo Roof, CLT /Industrial Bamboo walls, Timber flooring

The variant deviates from the conventional Domino house by using a mix of natural materials: Bamboo Roofing, Timber structures, and exploring Industrial Bamboo and CLT walls. This allows Mass Timber construction through digital fabrication and examines Industrial Bamboo as a viable material, addressing labor and cost issues, reducing the overall carbon footprint compared to standard concrete.

MATRIX 02- Timber Roof, Mud block walls, Mud with oxide Flooring

This variant includes load-bearing, fiber-reinforced 3D-printed mud walls, supported by a timber structure for floors and roof. The specialized 3D printing of mud walls enhances internal space comfort and durability. The timber-framed structure allows for the construction of large spans in the design.

MATRIX 03- Mycelium wall panels, Cork block Roof, Timber frame structure

The variant is a two-story timber-framed structure incorporating mycelium wall panels supported by secondary timber frames. These panels are coated with bio-based composites for improved durability. A corbelled roof, made with cork blocks and a skylight, completes the structure. Using a timber-framed design permits flexibility in opening sizes and allows customized fabrication of mycelium panels to suit the design.

Thorough material investigation and exploring different permutations, a suitable match is identified for specific contexts and climatic conditions. Focusing on the Indian subcontinent, we trace back the material sourcing cycle and evaluate the carbon footprint of each material. This analysis helps determine the optimal choice for standardization in this region. The matrix diagram explains the same.

The natural materials chain, encompassing wood, bamboo, and renewable fibers like mycelium, hemp, and cork, offers three pivotal mechanisms to address the climate crisis. These mechanisms involve reforestation/afforestation, storing and reducing carbon in construction, and substituting fossil and industrial materials. If significantly scaled, such as achieving a shift to 90% biobased buildings in global cities by 2050 instead of conventional materials, substantial climate benefits could be realized. This transition might potentially contribute to a climate benefit of 100 Gt, accounting for almost 15% of the required reduction to meet the 1.5-degree Celsius cap, excluding carbon calculations in new forests.

Our research aligns with this direction by leveraging the standard module — the domino house designed by Le Corbusier — aiming to generate a similar impactful outcome as he did decades ago.

Reference and links :

  2. students at ETH zurich use digital methods to build bamboo pavilion (
  8. by UCL press