Within the current global context of rapid change, integrated with the potentials of digital technologies, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is committed to the generation of new ideas and applications for Urban Design, Self Sufficiency, Digital Manufacturing Techniques and Advanced Interaction.

In this context IAAC works with a multidisciplinary approach, facing the challenges posed by our environment and the future development of cities, architecture and buildings, through a virtuous combination of technology, biology, computational design, digital and robotic fabrication, pushing innovation beyond the boundaries of a more traditional architectural approach.


Certainly Uncertain, The MIL – Spec Fortress

Today, the earth faces two looming threats: ecological collapse from resource depletion and widespread unemployment due to automation. Although these concerns are seemingly opposites, they share a common root – inequality. Both contributing heavily to the future of labour, and humanity. The skyscraper,stands as a testament to this inequality. Its very existence codifies the power … Read more

On how lopsided pyramids might emerge

“Ready Player One,” portrays a dystopian future where ‘people stopped to try to fix problems and instead try to outlive them’. The movie plays out in an informal urban landscape of juxtaposed favela-like settlements forming organic superstructures, as well as in a virtual environment supported by a virtual reality headset. These worlds exist in symbiosis, … Read more