URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT: Simulating biodiversity recovery in Urban Barcelona
URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT: Simulating biodiversity recovery in Urban Barcelona
During the second year of the Master in Advanced Architecture + Thesis Project (MAA02), students have the unique opportunity to work for a period of 1 year on an Individual Thesis Project, focused on the development of a research or pilot project based on the student’s interest, and the learnings of the first year. IAAC supports the student in selecting their Thesis Project topic in order to better orient them according to their future career interests and opportunities. Each student, according to their specific topic, is assigned one or more Thesis Advisors that follow the development of the work throughout the year.
In parallel to the development of the Individual Thesis Project, the second year of the MAA02 offers a series of seminars enhancing the theoretical, practical and computational skills of the students.
URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT: Simulating biodiversity recovery in Urban Barcelona
How can machine learning-based tools support the application of rule-based urban consolidation to promote a public-oriented city in Taipei, Taiwan? This project aimed to provide a computational consensus that collect urban essential data, and using machine learning to generate out put that are easy to read and access for stakeholders to comprehand. Taipei, Taiwan is … Read more
FLOOD RESILIENCE TOOLBOX FOR ADAPTIVE URBAN DESIGN IN COASTAL CITIES Flooding is the most frequent natural disaster worldwide. By the report from The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), floods cause more than 38 billion euro in damages worldwide per year. Due to climate change, floods are becoming more extreme and frequent. Coastal areas … Read more
AIM The housing crisis in Spain stems from rising prices, stagnant construction, and growing demand, leaving many unable to afford housing, highlighting the need for urgent, sustainable solutions. Spain Time line of the Housing crisis Long Term trend Housing crisis AFFORDABLE HOUSING by 2035 Material comparison Homeless people Data Site documentation Typology – I Joint … Read more
how can the implementation of recycled mussel shell tiles/bricks in the design and planning of public space and infrastructure help mitigate water stress in costal regions undergoing increased drought? Many of these costal regions have an under utilized byproduct: mussel shells. The above diagram shows the existing waste lifecycle of mussel shells and a potential … Read more
Repurposing outdoor AC units with 3D printed clay solutions”
Reconfigurable Soft Membrane Architecture:Designing tensile installations from natural & bio- materials for versatile spatial applications
this thesis project is part of a collaboration with Finsa, an industrial partner of IAAC. Together, we are working on developing innovative composite materials that can be processed using cutting-edge pressing technology provided by another industrial partner. This technology relies heavily on the presence of cellulose, as its functionality is directly tied to the cellulose … Read more
Website Link – https://www.figma.com/proto/NxJwLJw7ZcS9RPf7b0JLMH/DesignFlex?page-id=191%3A2&node-id=191-3&viewport=1394%2C-977%2C0.55&t=NuYCmGfdDFMOsCxY-1&scaling=contain&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=191%3A3
A web based application focused on leveraging, generative AI to develop, images to 3D mesh, and then fabricate them at printing facilities, offering efficient prototyping and hassle free translation of designs to reality! , with the aid of toolkit, fostering the latest models and technology