The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



Introduction to Neumatic Colloids Nematic colloids are materials with perpendicular surface anchoring embedded in planar nematic liquid crystal (NLC) cells. Topological defects, such as point defects and disclination lines, are a necessary consequence of broken symmetry in the system. In nematic liquid crystals (NLCs), defects manifest as isolated points and disclination lines, which can form … Read more

Erosion-Resistant Housing

A self-buring house that uses its inclined roof to deflect wind, control processes of erosion and increase accumulation of local sand particles. Through time, a covering sand dune affects the level of enclosure, transparency of the house and patterns of the shadows’ internal spaces. The aim of the project was to design a housing building to house between 20 and … Read more


Project agenda Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design Achieve maximum use of space (solid volumes) at the same time providing open and efficiently insolated inner spaces inside the dense structure volume. Project: TENSEGRI(CITY) Studio: RS.I X-Urban Design Algorithm set up Optimisation Algorithm Process of fitness evaluation The fitness of each design solution is evaluated by … Read more


GENETIC OPTIMIZATION THROUGH COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN This work aimed to genetically optimize through computational design of a rainwater filtration tower. The tower is part of the design developed for the Digital Matter Studio. The group proposes to create a landscape structure that can collect and filter rainwater through chitosan, a bio-based material made from mussel shells … Read more

Form Follows Availability

Genetic Optimization: Assignment 3 The project aims to provide the most optimal solution to maximize the shading of this housing project. The algorithm reflects the process of natural selection where each individuals are selected for the reproduction in order to produce descendant of the next generation. Through the exploration of Ladybug and Galapagos, we can … Read more

Genetic Optimization

Project Manifesto The project explores three main topics that represent a global concern within the present times: growing population, climate crisis and food production. Following these concepts, the main intervention is based on designing a city of the future, located in the actual site of Copenhagen’s North Harbor. In the past 10 years, the population … Read more

Genetic Optimization

Genetic Optimization – Aquasun Oasis AquaSun Oasis is a continuation proposal for the digital matters research studio project which focuses on rainwater purification through biodegradable materials. The design of the form is based on rainwater collection and renewable solar energy while providing shade to the surroundings. The is to create a sustainable solution to conserve … Read more

Forces of Nature

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID ROOF This research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate the application of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactive installations using Kangaroo, located in IAAC’s rooftop. The design strategy is creating a simple geometry based on forces in compression and tension on different points. The pavilion’s sail-like plane … Read more


The aim of the design was to create a space that evokes a sense of enclosure but is still open and lightweight. This led us to the concept of designing our pavilion from minimal surfaces inspired from geometries exhibited in nature such as plants, mushrooms and corals. The intention was to fabricate it using strip … Read more


Brief “This investigative research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate theapplication of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactiveinstallations.”The research objective is to build a user-friendly interface that enables real-time manipulation of forces as design parameters, the goal of replicating real-life behaviors by using kangaroo as a main engine. With … Read more

Forces of Nature

Force of Nature – Circle of Force Circle of Force emerged as a research project for studying the form-finding process by applying physics simulations interactively with grasshopper plugin Kangaroo. Our objective is to create a user-friendly design where they can spend time on IAAC Pujades Campus rooftop. Design drives: Parameters for Base Geometry The Base … Read more

Revolving Bricks

Abstract The concept of the project analyzed lays in its two main facades: made out of bricks, these show two variations of rotation. The first one takes into account some external curves that act as attractors, the other by rotating the bricks alternately by 45°. Building Overview This office building is placed in a residential … Read more

The Dendriform Pavilion

Design Analysis & Concept As the project brief required to reimagine the Serpentine Pavilion by Francis Kere, built in 2017 at the Serpentine Gallery in London, UK, the pavilion was deconstructed and analyzed into 3 of its major elements; the roof, the roof structure and the envelope. The main idea for the reimagination of the … Read more

The Bad Cafe

The Bad Cafe

Introduction architects_Nudesarea_301 sqmyear_2015location_Mumbai, India The architectural component was designed to facilitate yoga, gastronomical experiences, and cultural event spaces for music, art, performances, intellectual discourse and fashion. These activities are stacked vertically over three levels, including an open to sky terrace courtyard. Remotely located from traffic snarls and insulated from typically high levels of air and … Read more