The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.
Course: MAA01 22/23 Data Informed Structures Seminar
The seminar focuses on performative data informed structures for extreme contexts. Being a two-term seminar, it links structural design and fabrication techniques, by means of feedback between digital and physical. While using structural engineering plugins for Rhino and Grasshopper, students gain knowledge on how to design based on concepts and typologies of structural optimisation. This culminates in off-site construction methodologies, testing 1:1 connections and/or assembly methods.
view Syllabus & FacultyDESIRE
DESIgn for REassembly “Design for Dis- and Re-assembly; From a column at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to inhabitable space Valldaura, to…?” Our aim for the course is to design 4 columns for the World Mobile Congress, which then will be reassembled and transformed into roofs, walls, and foundations for a small construction in … Read more