The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



Vertical structure responsive to temperature changes CONCEPT The project proposes a vertical system that responds to temperature differences to visualize these changes interactively. Its main objective is to create diverse interactions with users through the response to temperature changes. The foundation of the system relies on the use of flexible membranes that expand and compress, … Read more

Ultrasonic Opening Mechanism

Concept This project has been inspired by the mechanism of Automatic Doors. Automatic doors respond to the movement in front of the activation sensors which opens and closes the door. This mechanism has been replicated in this Arduino project with the help of an Ultrasonic Sonic Sensor and Servo Motor. The LEDs have been used … Read more

Interactive Lights 

Concept The aim of the project is to develop as lighting system that will be responsive and interactive to its surrounding people’s movements. And to make that happen, I have used the ultrasonic sensor as a proximity sensor to measure the distance of people and their movements. As a next step of this project, we … Read more


Adaptive facade

CONCEPT The system consists in creating a facade that moves according to the sunlight. The components of the facade turn with the effect of a motor that is activated according to the environment. An example of an application would be a building in the shape of a bar, having wider sides with east and west … Read more