The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


Verdenlace – Kinetic shading structure

The idea is to used the design module which created in G2- Bio tech morphogenesis studio and make a adaptive shading structure using Programming & Physical Computing. Concept The Innovative algae panels integrated into structures enrich the surrounding air with oxygen through photosynthesis. Complementing this, kinetic shading devices dynamically adjust based on sunlight levels, efficiently … Read more


Vertical structure responsive to temperature changes CONCEPT The project proposes a vertical system that responds to temperature differences to visualize these changes interactively. Its main objective is to create diverse interactions with users through the response to temperature changes. The foundation of the system relies on the use of flexible membranes that expand and compress, … Read more